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International Max Planck Research School for
IMPRS-HD has been established 2004 and started its academic activities 2005.
Six Heidelberg astronomy-related institutes take part in IMPRS - the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK), the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ARI), the Landessternwarte Koenigstuhl(LSW), the Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (ITA), and the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS).
The IMPRS-HD is an independent part of the HGSFP (Heidelberg Graduate School for Physics). IMPRS-HD and HGSFP are part of the Graduate Academy of Heidelberg University, supporting PhD students in various university-related aspects.
A poll published 2010 by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) concluded that Heidelberg is Germany's most popular university for international doctoral students.
IMPRS-HD aims to offer outstanding research and training opportunities with excellent instrumental, observational, and theoretical research facilities. Research topics within IMPRS-HD cover a wide range of topics in astronomy and astrophysics.IMPRS-HD is open for students from all countries. Several fellowships are offered per year via IMPRS-HD. We invite highly-qualified students who aim for a doctoral degree in the area of astronomy or astrophysics/cosmic physics to apply.
Dead line for next term applications (fall 2025) was November 1, 2024.
Interviews were held until Feb. 10-14, 2025.
Our next call for applications (for term fall 2026) will be July 2025. |
We have just announced our IMPRS-HD summer school 2025, to be held Sept. 8-12, on the topic ofAI in Astronomy.Follow this link for more information how to apply. |