Outreach: pupils visiting the optics lab

Outreach: pupils visiting the optics lab

Welcome for a new student generation

Welcome for a new student generation

Exploring the Tarantula Nebula

Exploring the Tarantula Nebula

Some little theory

Some little theory

Discussing data reduction

Discussing data reduction

Pepraring the LINC-NIRVANA wavefront sensor

Pepraring the LINC-NIRVANA wavefront sensor

Tree climbing during an IMPRS retreat

Tree climbing during an IMPRS retreat

Welcome to the webpages of the

International Max Planck Research School for
Astronomy and Cosmic Physics
at the University of Heidelberg (IMPRS-HD).

IMPRS-HD has been established 2004 and started its academic activities 2005.

Six Heidelberg astronomy-related institutes take part in IMPRS - the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy (MPIA), the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics (MPIK), the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ARI), the Landessternwarte Koenigstuhl(LSW), the Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (ITA), and the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS).

The IMPRS-HD is an independent part of the HGSFP (Heidelberg Graduate School for Physics). IMPRS-HD and HGSFP are part of the Graduate Academy of Heidelberg University, supporting PhD students in various university-related aspects.

A poll published 2010 by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) concluded that Heidelberg is Germany's most popular university for international doctoral students.

IMPRS-HD aims to offer outstanding research and training opportunities with excellent instrumental, observational, and theoretical research facilities. Research topics within IMPRS-HD cover a wide range of topics in astronomy and astrophysics.

IMPRS-HD is open for students from all countries. Several fellowships are offered per year via IMPRS-HD. We invite highly-qualified students who aim for a doctoral degree in the area of astronomy or astrophysics/cosmic physics to apply.

Dead line for next term applications (fall 2025) was November 1, 2024.

Interviews were held until Feb. 10-14, 2025.

Our next call for applications (for term fall 2026) will be July 2025.

We have just announced our IMPRS-HD summer school 2025, to be held Sept. 8-12, on the topic of

    AI in Astronomy.

Follow this link for more information how to apply.

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