IMPRS-HD office
The IMPRS office takes care of the scientific and administrative logistics of the IMPRS school. Opening hours see below.
Contacts are:
For general issues:
For application issues:
For summer school:
The IMPRS office is located at MPIA. We have open doors, please come by at any time (during the opening hours). We are also happy to visit you at your home institution for advice and discussions.
Please send any general request to the office email address,
We advice you concerning: your arrival to Heidelberg; about university registration and enrollment procedures; about visa issues, about accomodation issues; about IMPRS travel support and applications; about the IMPRS thesis committees; and the IMPRS curriculum.
We organize the yearly application procedures including the interview week.
We organize the IMPRS seminars and retreats; the IMPRS summer schools; and a few social events.
We issue your final IMPRS certifcate.
Detailed information about these issues is distributed over our webpages and should be easy to find when following the top navigation panel.