Publications of IMPRS HD students 2006-2016
Here we present a list of selected scientific publications authored by our IMPRS students. Only (i) refereed publications of results in which (ii) the student was involved during her/his time as IMPRS member are considered. IMPRS student authors are denoted in bold. This list is not intended as track record of single students, but as signature of ongoing scientific research by IMPRS students (last update May 2017). |
2016 Abdalla, H., A. Abramowski, F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, …, T. Edwards, …, J. King,…, R. Liu, …, A. M. W. Mitchell, …, H. Poon, …, (+coauthors): H.E.S.S. Limits on Linelike Dark Matter Signatures in the 100 GeV to 2 TeV Energy Range Close to the Galactic Center. Physical Review Letters 117, id. 151302, 7 pp., 2016 Abdallah, H., A. Abramowski, F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, …, T. Edwards, …, J. King,…, R. Liu, …, A. M. W. Mitchell, …, H. Poon, …, (+coauthors): Search for Dark Matter Annihilations towards the Inner Galactic Halo from 10 Years of Observations with H.E.S.S. Physical Review Letters 117, id. 111301, 6 pp., 2016 Abreu-Vicente, J., S. Ragan, J. Kainulainen, T. Henning, H. Beuther and K. Johnston: Giant molecular filaments in the Milky Way. II. The fourth Galactic quadrant. Astronomy and Astrophysics 590, id. A131, 20 pp., 2016 Arnold, C., V. Springel and E. Puchwein: Zoomed cosmological simulations of Milky Way-sized haloes in f(R) gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 462, 1530-1541, 2016 Bañados, E., B. P. Venemans, R. Decarli, E. P. Farina, C. Mazzucchelli,…, (+coauthors): The Pan-STARRS1 Distant z > 5.6 Quasar Survey: More than 100 Quasars within the First Gyr of the Universe. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 227, id. 11, 27 pp., 2016 Baruteau, C., X. Bai, C. Mordasini and P. Mollière: Formation, Orbital and Internal Evolutions of Young Planetary Systems. Space Science Reviews 205, 77-124, 2016 Bergemann, M., A. Serenelli, R. Schönrich, G. Ruchti, A. Korn, S. Hekker, M. Kovalev,…, (+coauthors): The Gaia-ESO Survey: Hydrogen lines in red giants directly trace stellar mass. Astronomy and Astrophysics 594, id. A120, 20 pp., 2016 Bertelli Motta, C., P. C. Clark, S. C. O. Glover, R. S. Klessen and A. Pasquali: The IMF as a function of supersonic turbulence. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 462, 4171-4182, 2016 Bertram, E., S. C. O. Glover, P. C. Clark, S. E. Ragan and R. S. Klessen: Synthetic observations of molecular clouds in a galactic centre environment - I. Studying maps of column density and integrated intensity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 455, 3763-3778, 2016 Beuther, H., S. Bihr, M. Rugel, K. Johnston, Y. Wang, F. Walter,…, (+coauthors): The HI/OH/Recombination line survey of the inner Milky Way (THOR). Survey overview and data release 1. Astronomy and Astrophysics 595, id. A32, 21 pp., 2016 Bigiel, F., A. K. Leroy, M. J. Jiménez-Donaire, J. Pety, …, N. Tomicic and L. Zschaechner: The EMPIRE Survey: Systematic Variations in the Dense Gas Fraction and Star Formation Efficiency from Full-disk Mapping of M51. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 822, id. L26, 7 pp., 2016 Bihr, S., K. G. Johnston, H. Beuther, L. D. Anderson, J. Ott, M. Rugel, F. Bigiel,…, (+coauthors): Continuum sources from the THOR survey between 1 and 2 GHz. Astronomy and Astrophysics 588, id. A97, 24 pp., 2016 Bozza, V., Y. Shvartzvald, A. Udalski, S. Calchi Novati,…, S. Ciceri, …, (+coauthors): Spitzer Observations of OGLE-2015-BLG-1212 Reveal a New Path toward Breaking Strong Microlens Degeneracies. The Astrophysical Journal 820, id. 79, 10 pp., 2016 Brahm, R., A. Jordán, G. Á. Bakos, K. Penev, N. Espinoza, M. Rabus, J. D. Hartman, D. Bayliss, S. Ciceri, ,…, (+coauthors):: HATS-17b: A Transiting Compact Warm Jupiter in a 16.3 Day Circular Orbit. The Astronomical Journal 151, id. 89, 11 pp., 2016 Buck, T., A. A. Dutton and A. V. Macciò: Simulated ΛCDM analogues of the thin plane of satellites around the Andromeda galaxy are not kinematically coherent structures. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 460, 4348-4365, 2016 Chang, X.-C., R.-Y. Liu and X.-Y. Wang: How Far Away Are the Sources of IceCube Neutrinos? Constraints from the Diffuse Teraelectronvolt Gamma-ray Background. The Astrophysical Journal 825, id. 148, 6 pp., 2016 Chira, R.-A., R. Siebenmorgen, T. Henning and J. Kainulainen: Appearance of dusty filaments at different viewing angles. Astronomy and Astrophysics 592, id. A90, 19 pp., 2016 Ciceri, S., L. Mancini, J. Southworth, M. Lendl, J. Tregloan-Reed, ,…, (+coauthors):: Physical properties of the planetary systems WASP-45 and WASP-46 from simultaneous multiband photometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 456, 990-1002, 2016 Collaboration, H., A. Abramowski, F. Aharonian, F. A. Benkhali, …, T. Edwards,…, F. Jankowsky, …, A. M. W. Mitchell,…, H. Poon, …, (+coauthors): Acceleration of petaelectronvolt protons in the Galactic Centre. Nature 531, 476-479, 2016 Crossfield, I. J. M., D. R. Ciardi, E. A. Petigura, E. Sinukoff, …, S. Ciceri,…, (+coauthors): 197 Candidates and 104 Validated Planets in K2’s First Five Fields. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 226, id. 7, 20 pp., 2016 D'Abrusco, R., M. Cantiello, M. Paolillo, V. Pota, N. R. Napolitano, L. Limatola, M. Spavone, A. Grado, E. Iodice, M. Capaccioli, R. Peletier, G. Longo, M. Hilker, S. Mieske, E. K. Grebel, T. Lisker, C. Wittmann, G. van de Ven, P. Schipani and G. Fabbiano: The Extended Spatial Distribution of Globular Clusters in the Core of the Fornax Cluster. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 819, id. L31, 8 pp., 2016 De Marchi, G., N. Panagia, E. Sabbi, D. Lennon, J. Anderson, R. van der Marel, M. Cignoni, E. K. Grebel, S. Larsen, D. Zaritsky, P. Zeidler, D. Gouliermis and A. Aloisi: Hubble Tarantula Treasury Project - IV. The extinction law. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 455, 4373-4387, 2016 de Val-Borro, M., G. Á. Bakos, R. Brahm, J. D. Hartman, N. Espinoza, K. Penev, S. Ciceri,…, (+coauthors): HATS-31b through HATS-35b: Five Transiting Hot Jupiters Discovered By the HATSouth Survey. The Astronomical Journal 152, id. 161, 16 pp., 2016 D'Isanto, A., S. Cavuoti, M. Brescia, C. Donalek, G. Longo, G. Riccio and S. G. Djorgovski: An analysis of feature relevance in the classification of astronomical transients with machine learning methods. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 457, 3119-3132, 2016 Douglas, S. T., M. A. Agüeros, K. R. Covey, P. A. Cargile, T. Barclay, A. Cody, S. B. Howell and T. Kopytova: K2 Rotation Periods for Low-mass Hyads and the Implications for Gyrochronology. The Astrophysical Journal 822, id. 47, 18 pp., 2016 Dullemond, C. P., D. Harsono, S. M. Stammler and A. Johansen: Forming Chondrules in Impact Splashes II Volatile Retention. The Astrophysical Journal 832, id. 91, 19 pp., 2016 Dutton, A. A., A. V. Macciò, A. Dekel, L. Wang, G. Stinson, A. Obreja, A. Di Cintio, C. Brook, T. Buck and X. Kang: NIHAO IX: the role of gas inflows and outflows in driving the contraction and expansion of cold dark matter haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 461, 2658-2675, 2016 Dutton, A. A., A. V. Macciò, J. Frings, L. Wang, G. S. Stinson, C. Penzo and X. Kang: NIHAO V: too big does not fail - reconciling the conflict between ΛCDM predictions and the circular velocities of nearby field galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 457, L74-L78, 2016 Erroz-Ferrer, S., J. H. Knapen, R. Leaman, S. Díaz-García, H. Salo, E. Laurikainen, M. Querejeta, J. C. Muñoz-Mateos, E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, S. Comerón, B. G. Elmegreen and I. Martínez-Valpuesta: Hα kinematics of S4G spiral galaxies - III. Inner rotation curves. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 458, 1199-1213, 2016 Espinoza, N., D. Bayliss, J. D. Hartman, G. Á. Bakos, A. Jordán, G. Zhou, L. Mancini, R. Brahm, S. Ciceri,…, (+coauthors): HATS-25b through HATS-30b: A Half-dozen New Inflated Transiting Hot Jupiters from the HATSouth Survey. The Astronomical Journal 152, id. 108, 18 pp., 2016 Evans, D. F., J. Southworth, P. F. L. Maxted, J. Skottfelt, …, S. Ciceri,…, (+coauthors): High-resolution Imaging of Transiting Extrasolar Planetary systems (HITEP). I. Lucky imaging observations of 101 systems in the southern hemisphere. Astronomy and Astrophysics 589, id. A58, 20 pp., 2016 Feng, S., H. Beuther, D. Semenov, T. Henning, H. Linz, E. A. C. Mills and R. Teague: Inferring the evolutionary stages of the internal structures of NGC 7538 S and IRS1 from chemistry. Astronomy and Astrophysics 593, id. A46, 32 pp., 2016 Figuera Jaimes, R., D. M. Bramich, J. Skottfelt, …, S. Ciceri, …, (+coauthors): Exploring the crowded central region of ten Galactic globular clusters using EMCCDs. Variable star searches and new discoveries. Astronomy and Astrophysics 588, id. A128, 22 pp., 2016 Fritzewski, D. J., M. Kitze, M. Mugrauer, R. Neuhäuser, C. Adam, C. Briceño, S. Buder,.., (+coauthors): Long-term photometry of IC 348 with the Young Exoplanet Transit Initiative network. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 462, 2396-2417, 2016 Ginski, C., M. Mugrauer, M. Seeliger, S. Buder, R. Errmann, H. Avenhaus, D. Mouillet, A.-L. Maire and S. Raetz: A lucky imaging multiplicity study of exoplanet host stars - II. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 457, 2173-2191, 2016 Ginski, C., T. Stolker, P. Pinilla, C. Dominik, A. Boccaletti, J. de Boer, …, T. Kopytova,…, (+coauthors): Direct detection of scattered light gaps in the transitional disk around HD 97048 with VLT/SPHERE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 595, id. A112, 11 pp., 2016 Han, C., A. Udalski, A. Gould, W. Zhu, R. A. Street, …, S. Ciceri, …, (+coauthors): OGLE-2015-BLG-0479LA,B: Binary Gravitational Microlens Characterized by Simultaneous Ground-based and Space-based Observations. The Astrophysical Journal 828, id. 53, 9 pp., 2016 Hansen, C. J., B. Nordström, T. T. Hansen, C. R. Kennedy, V. M. Placco, T. C. Beers, J. Andersen, G. Cescutti and C. Chiappini: Abundances of carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars as constraints on their formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 588, id.A37, 13 pp. , 2016 Hansen, T. T., J. Andersen, B. Nordström, T. C. Beers, V. M. Placco, J. Yoon and L. A. Buchhave: The role of binaries in the enrichment of the early Galactic halo. II. Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars: CEMP-no stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 586, id. A160, 15 pp., 2016 Hansen, T. T., J. Andersen, B. Nordström, T. C. Beers, V. M. Placco, J. Yoon and L. A. Buchhave: The role of binaries in the enrichment of the early Galactic halo. III. Carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars - CEMP-s stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 588, id. A3, 18 pp., 2016 Haworth, T. J., J. D. Ilee, D. H. Forgan, S. Facchini, D. J. Price, …, R. Teague,…, (+coauthors): Grand Challenges in Protoplanetary Disc Modelling. Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia 33, id. e053, 22 pp., 2016 Hendricks, B., C. Boeche, C. I. Johnson, M. J. Frank, A. Koch, M. Mateo and J. I. Bailey: Evidence for a chemical enrichment coupling of globular clusters and field stars in the Fornax dSph. Astronomy and Astrophysics 585, id. A86, 17 pp., 2016 Hernitschek, N., E. F. Schlafly, B. Sesar, H.-W. Rix, D. W. Hogg, Ž. Ivezić, E. K. Grebel, E. F. Bell, N. F. Martin, W. S. Burgett, H. Flewelling, K. W. Hodapp, N. Kaiser, E. A. Magnier, N. Metcalfe, R. J. Wainscoat and C. Waters: Finding, Characterizing, and Classifying Variable Sources in Multi-epoch Sky Surveys: QSOs and RR Lyrae in PS1 3 data. The Astrophysical Journal 817, id. 73, 26 pp., 2016 Iodice, E., M. Capaccioli, A. Grado, L. Limatola, M. Spavone, N. R. Napolitano, M. Paolillo, R. F. Peletier, M. Cantiello, T. Lisker, C. Wittmann, A. Venhola, M. Hilker, R. D'Abrusco, V. Pota and P. Schipani: The Fornax Deep Survey with VST. I. The Extended and Diffuse Stellar Halo of NGC 1399 out to 192 kpc. The Astrophysical Journal 820, id. 42, 17 pp. , 2016 Janson, M., C. Thalmann, A. Boccaletti, A.-L. Maire, A. Zurlo, F. Marzari, M. R. Meyer, J. C. Carson, J.-C. Augereau, A. Garufi, T. Henning, S. Desidera, R. Asensio-Torres and A. Pohl: Detection of Sharp Symmetric Features in the Circumbinary Disk around AK Sco. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 816, id. L1, 5 pp., 2016 Jorissen, A., T. Hansen, S. Van Eck, J. Andersen, B. Nordström, L. Siess, G. Torres, T. Masseron and H. Van Winckel: HE 0017+0055: A probable pulsating CEMP-rs star and long-period binary. Astronomy and Astrophysics 586, id. A159, 12 pp., 2016 Kataoka, A., T. Tsukagoshi, M. Momose, H. Nagai, T. Muto, C. P. Dullemond, A. Pohl, M. Fukagawa, H. Shibai, T. Hanawa and K. Murakawa: Submillimeter Polarization Observation of the Protoplanetary Disk around HD 142527. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 831, id. L12, 6 pp., 2016 Kennedy, G. F., Y. Meiron, B. Shukirgaliyev, T. Panamarev, P. Berczik, A. Just and R. Spurzem: Star-disc interaction in galactic nuclei: orbits and rates of accreted stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 460, 240-255, 2016 Khrykin, I. S., J. F. Hennawi, M. McQuinn and G. Worseck: The He II Proximity Effect and The Lifetime of Quasars. The Astrophysical Journal 824, id. 133, 24 pp., 2016 Kopytova, T. G., W. Brandner, E. Tognelli, P. G. Prada Moroni, N. Da Rio, S. Röser and E. Schilbach: Single stars in the Hyades open cluster. Fiducial sequence for testing stellar and atmospheric models. Astronomy and Astrophysics 585, id. A7, 7 pp., 2016 Lagrange, A.-M., M. Langlois, R. Gratton, A.-L. Maire, …, M. Samland,…, (+coauthors): A narrow, edge-on disk resolved around HD 106906 with SPHERE. Astronomy and Astrophysics 586, id. L8, 6 pp., 2016 Leroy, A. K., A. Hughes, A. Schruba, E. Rosolowsky, G. A. Blanc, A. D. Bolatto, D. Colombo, A. Escala, C. Kramer, J. M. D. Kruijssen, S. Meidt, J. Pety, M. Querejeta, K. Sandstrom, E. Schinnerer, K. Sliwa and A. Usero: A Portrait of Cold Gas in Galaxies at 60 pc Resolution and a Simple Method to Test Hypotheses That Link Small-scale ISM Structure to Galaxy-scale Processes. The Astrophysical Journal 831, id. 16, 33 pp., 2016 Liu, R.-Y., A. M. Taylor, X.-Y. Wang and F. A. Aharonian: Indication of a local fog of subankle ultrahigh energy cosmic rays. Physical Review D 94, id. 043008, 6 pp., 2016 Liu, R.-Y., X.-Y. Wang, A. Prosekin and X.-C. Chang: Modeling the Gamma-Ray Emission in the GALACTIC CENTER with a Fading Cosmic-ray Accelerator. The Astrophysical Journal 833, id. 200, 8 pp., 2016 Maciejewski, G., D. Dimitrov, L. Mancini, J. Southworth, S. Ciceri, G. D'Ago, I. Bruni, S. Raetz, G. Nowak, J. Ohlert, D. Puchalski, G. Saral, E. Derman, R. Petrucci, E. Jofre, M. Seeliger and T. Henning: New Transit Observations for HAT-P-30 b, HAT-P-37 b, TrES-5 b, WASP-28 b, WASP-36 b and WASP-39 b. Acta Astronomica 66, 55-74, 2016 Maire, A.-L., M. Bonnefoy, C. Ginski, A. Vigan, S. Messina, D. Mesa, R. Galicher, R. Gratton, S. Desidera, T. G. Kopytova,…, (+coauthors): First light of the VLT planet finder SPHERE. II. The physical properties and the architecture of the young systems PZ Telescopii and HD 1160 revisited. Astronomy and Astrophysics 587, id. A56, 24 pp., 2016 Majer, C. L., S. Meyer, S. Konrad, E. Sarli and M. Bartelmann: Reconstruction of the mass distribution of galaxy clusters from the inversion of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 460, 844-854, 2016 Mancini, L., M. Giordano, P. Mollière, J. Southworth, R. Brahm, S. Ciceri and T. Henning: An optical transmission spectrum of the transiting hot Jupiter in the metal-poor WASP-98 planetary system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 461, 1053-1061, 2016 Mancini, L., J. Kemmer, J. Southworth, K. Bott, P. Mollière, S. Ciceri, G. Chen and T. Henning: An optical transmission spectrum of the giant planet WASP-36 b. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 459, 1393-1402, 2016 Mitchell, A. M. W., R. D. Parsons, W. Hofmann and K. Bernlöhr: Cross calibration of telescope optical throughput efficiencies using reconstructed shower energies for the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Astroparticle Physics 75, 1-7, 2016 Moetazedian, R. and A. Just: Impact of cosmological satellites on the vertical heating of the Milky Way disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 459, 2905-2924, 2016 Monroe, T. R., J. X. Prochaska, N. Tejos, G. Worseck, J. F. Hennawi, T. Schmidt, J. Tumlinson and Y. Shen: The UV-bright Quasar Survey (UVQS): DR1. The Astronomical Journal 152, id. 25, 11 pp., 2016 Mordasini, C., R. van Boekel, P. Mollière, T. Henning and B. Benneke: The Imprint of Exoplanet Formation History on Observable Present-day Spectra of Hot Jupiters. The Astrophysical Journal 832, id. 41, 32 pp., 2016 Olofsson, J., M. Samland, H. Avenhaus, C. Caceres, T. Henning,…, (+coauthors): Azimuthal asymmetries in the debris disk around HD 61005. A massive collision of planetesimals? Astronomy and Astrophysics 591, id. A108, 22 pp., 2016 Ortiz, M., S. Reffert, T. Trifonov, A. Quirrenbach, D. S. Mitchell, G. Nowak, E. Buenzli, N. Zimmerman, M. Bonnefoy, A. Skemer, D. Defrère, M. H. Lee, D. A. Fischer and P. M. Hinz: Precise radial velocities of giant stars. IX. HD 59686 Ab: a massive circumstellar planet orbiting a giant star in a 13.6 au eccentric binary system. Astronomy and Astrophysics 595, id. A55, 14 pp., 2016 Pakmor, R., V. Springel, A. Bauer, P. Mocz, D. J. Munoz, S. T. Ohlmann, K. Schaal and C. Zhu: Improving the convergence properties of the moving-mesh code AREPO. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 455, 1134-1143, 2016 Pakmor, R., V. Springel, A. Bauer, P. Mocz, D. J. Munoz, S. T. Ohlmann, K. Schaal and C. Zhu: Improving the convergence properties of the moving-mesh code AREPO. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 455, 1134-1143, 2016 Penev, K., J. D. Hartman, G. Á. Bakos, S. Ciceri, R. Brahm, D. Bayliss, J. Bento, A. Jordán, Z. Csubry, W. Bhatti, M. de Val-Borro, N. Espinoza, G. Zhou, L. Mancini, M. Rabus, V. Suc, T. Henning, B. Schmidt, R. W. Noyes, J. Lázár, I. Papp and P. Sári: HATS-18b: An Extreme Short-period Massive Transiting Planet Spinning Up Its Star. The Astronomical Journal 152, id. 127, 11 pp., 2016 Peng, F.-K., X.-Y. Wang, R.-Y. Liu, Q.-W. Tang and J.-F. Wang: First Detection of GeV Emission from an Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy: Arp 220 as Seen with the Fermi Large Area Telescope. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 821, id. L20, 5 pp., 2016 Pohl, A., A. Kataoka, P. Pinilla, C. P. Dullemond, T. Henning and T. Birnstiel: Investigating dust trapping in transition disks with millimeter-wave polarization. Astronomy and Astrophysics 593, id. A12, 11 pp., 2016 Poleski, R., W. Zhu, G. W. Christie, A. Udalski, A. Gould, …, S. Ciceri,…, (+coauthors): The Spitzer Microlensing Program as a Probe for Globular Cluster Planets: Analysis of OGLE-2015-BLG-0448. The Astrophysical Journal 823, id. 63, 11 pp., 2016 Pshirkov, M. S., V. V. Vasiliev and K. A. Postnov: Evidence of Fermi bubbles around M31. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 459, L76-L80, 2016 Querejeta, M., S. E. Meidt, E. Schinnerer, S. García-Burillo, C. L. Dobbs, D. Colombo, G. Dumas, A. Hughes, C. Kramer, A. K. Leroy, J. Pety, K. F. Schuster and T. A. Thompson: Gravitational torques imply molecular gas inflow towards the nucleus of M 51. Astronomy and Astrophysics 588, id. A33, 19 pp., 2016 Querejeta, M., E. Schinnerer, S. García-Burillo, F. Bigiel, G. A. Blanc, D. Colombo, A. Hughes, K. Kreckel, A. K. Leroy, S. E. Meidt, D. S. Meier, J. Pety and K. Sliwa: AGN feedback in the nucleus of M 51. Astronomy and Astrophysics 593, id. A118, 21 pp., 2016 Rabus, M., A. Jordán, J. D. Hartman, G. Á. Bakos, N. Espinoza, R. Brahm, K. Penev, S. Ciceri, G. Zhou, D. Bayliss, L. Mancini, W. Bhatti, M. de Val-Borro, Z. Csbury, B. Sato, T.-G. Tan, T. Henning, B. Schmidt, J. Bento, V. Suc, R. Noyes, J. Lázár, I. Papp and P. Sári: HATS-11b AND HATS-12b: Two Transiting Hot Jupiters Orbiting Subsolar Metallicity Stars Selected for the K2 Campaign 7. The Astronomical Journal 152, id. 88, 13 pp., 2016 Reischke, R., M. Maturi and M. Bartelmann: Extreme value statistics of weak lensing shear peak counts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 456, 641-653, 2016 Reischke, R., F. Pace, S. Meyer and B. M. Schäfer: Spherical collapse of dark matter haloes in tidal gravitational fields. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 463, 429-440, 2016 Sabbi, E., D. J. Lennon, J. Anderson, M. Cignoni, …, P. Zeidler, … (+coauthors): Hubble Tarantula Treasury Project. III. Photometric Catalog and Resulting Constraints on the Progression of Star Formation in the 30 Doradus Region. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 222, id. 11, 25 pp., 2016 Schaal, K., V. Springel, R. Pakmor, C. Pfrommer, D. Nelson, M. Vogelsberger, S. Genel, A. Pillepich, D. Sijacki and L. Hernquist: Shock finding on a moving-mesh - II. Hydrodynamic shocks in the Illustris universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 461, 4441-4465, 2016 Schäfer, B. M. and R. Reischke: Describing variations of the Fisher-matrix across parameter space. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 460, 3398-3406, 2016 Schmidt, T. M., F. Bigiel, R. S. Klessen and W. J. G. de Blok: Radial gas motions in The H I Nearby Galaxy Survey (THINGS). Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 457, 2642-2664, 2016 Schmidt, T. O. B., R. Neuhäuser, C. Briceño, N. Vogt, S. Raetz, A. Seifahrt, C. Ginski, M. Mugrauer, S. Buder, C. Adam, P. Hauschildt, S. Witte, C. Helling and J. H. M. M. Schmitt: Direct Imaging discovery of a second planet candidate around the possibly transiting planet host CVSO 30. Astronomy and Astrophysics 593, id. A75, 15 pp., 2016 Shvartzvald, Y., Z. Li, A. Udalski, A. Gould, T. Sumi, R. A. Street, …, S. Ciceri, …, (+coauthors): The First Simultaneous Microlensing Observations by Two Space Telescopes: Spitzer and Swift Reveal a Brown Dwarf in Event OGLE-2015-BLG-1319. The Astrophysical Journal 831, id. 183, 11 pp., 2016 Skemer, A. J., C. V. Morley, N. T. Zimmerman, M. F. Skrutskie, …, T. Kopytova, …, (+coauthors): The LEECH Exoplanet Imaging Survey: Characterization of the Coldest Directly Imaged Exoplanet, GJ 504 b, and Evidence for Superstellar Metallicity. The Astrophysical Journal 817, id. 166, 10 pp., 2016 Sorini, D., J. Oñorbe, Z. Lukić and J. F. Hennawi: Modeling the Lyα Forest in Collisionless Simulations. The Astrophysical Journal 827, id. 97, 23 pp., 2016 Southworth, J., J. Tregloan-Reed, M. I. Andersen, S. Calchi Novati, S. Ciceri,…, (+coauthors): High-precision photometry by telescope defocussing - VIII. WASP-22, WASP-41, WASP-42 and WASP-55. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 457, 4205-4217, 2016 Street, R. A., A. Udalski, S. Calchi Novati, M. P. G. Hundertmark, …, S. Ciceri,…, (+coauthors): Spitzer Parallax of OGLE-2015-BLG-0966: A Cold Neptune in the Galactic Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 819, id. 93, 12 pp., 2016 Teague, R., S. Guilloteau, D. Semenov, T. Henning, A. Dutrey, V. Piétu, T. Birnstiel, E. Chapillon, D. Hollenbach and U. Gorti: Measuring turbulence in TW Hydrae with ALMA: methods and limitations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 592, id. A49, 14 pp., 2016 Thygesen, A. O., L. Sbordone, H.-G. Ludwig, P. Ventura, D. Yong, R. Collet, N. Christlieb, J. Melendez and S. Zaggia: The chemical composition of red giants in 47 Tucanae. II. Magnesium isotopes and pollution scenarios. Astronomy and Astrophysics 588, id. A66, 22 pp., 2016 Tollet, E., A. V. Macciò, A. A. Dutton, G. S. Stinson, L. Wang, C. Penzo, T. A. Gutcke, T. Buck, X. Kang, C. Brook, A. Di Cintio, B. W. Keller and J. Wadsley: NIHAO - IV: core creation and destruction in dark matter density profiles across cosmic time. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 456, 3542-3552, 2016 Trick, W. H., J. Bovy and H.-W. Rix: Action-Based Dynamical Modeling for the Milky Way Disk. The Astrophysical Journal 830, id. 97, 22 pp., 2016 Trick, W. H., G. van de Ven and A. A. Dutton: A spiral galaxy's mass distribution uncovered through lensing and dynamics. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 463, 3151-3168, 2016 van der Wel, A., K. Noeske, R. Bezanson, C. Pacifici, A. Gallazzi, M. Franx, J. C. Muñoz-Mateos, E. F. Bell, G. Brammer, S. Charlot, P. Chauké, I. Labbé, M. V. Maseda, A. Muzzin, H.-W. Rix, D. Sobral, J. van de Sande, P. G. van Dokkum, V. Wild and C. Wolf: The VLT LEGA-C Spectroscopic Survey: The Physics of Galaxies at a Lookback Time of 7 Gyr. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 223, id. 29, 12 pp., 2016 Walsh, A. J., H. Beuther, S. Bihr, K. G. Johnston, J. R. Dawson, J. Ott, S. N. Longmore, Q. Nguyen-Luong, R. S. Klessen, S. Ragan, N. McClure-Griffiths, A. Brunthaler, J. Urquhart, K. Menten, F. Bigiel, F. Wyrowski and M. Rugel: A survey for hydroxyl in the THOR pilot region around W43. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 455, 3494-3510, 2016 Wang, X.-Y. and R.-Y. Liu: Tidal disruption jets of supermassive black holes as hidden sources of cosmic rays: Explaining the IceCube TeV-PeV neutrinos. Physical Review D 93, id. L20, 5 pp., 2016 Wang, Z.-Y., R.-Y. Liu and X.-Y. Wang: Testing the Equivalence Principle and Lorentz Invariance with PeV Neutrinos from Blazar Flares. Physical Review Letters 116, id.151101, 4 pp., 2016 Wittmann, C., T. Lisker, A. Pasquali, M. Hilker and E. K. Grebel: Peculiar compact stellar systems in the Fornax cluster. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 459, 4450-4466, 2016 Wu, S.-W., A. Bik, J. M. Bestenlehner, T. Henning, A. Pasquali, W. Brandner and A. Stolte: The massive stellar population of W49: A spectroscopic survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 589, id. A16, 15 pp. , 2016 Zeidler, P., E. K. Grebel, A. Nota, E. Sabbi, A. Pasquali, M. Tosi, A. Z. Bonanos and C. Christian: A High-resolution Multiband Survey of Westerlund 2 with the Hubble Space Telescope. II. Mass Accretion in the Pre-main-sequence Population. The Astronomical Journal 152, id. 84, 16 pp., 2016 Zeidler, P., T. Preibisch, T. Ratzka, V. Roccatagliata and M. G. Petr-Gotzens: The VISTA Carina Nebula Survey. II. Spatial distribution of the infrared-excess-selected young stellar population. Astronomy and Astrophysics 585, id. A49, 13 pp., 2016 Zhu, W., S. Calchi Novati, A. Gould, A. Udalski, C. Han, …, S. Ciceri,…, (+coauthors): Mass Measurements of Isolated Objects from Space-based Microlensing. The Astrophysical Journal 825, id. 60, 10 pp., 2016 Zieser, B. and P. M. Merkel: The cross-correlation between 3D cosmic shear and the integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 459, 1586-1595, 2016 2015 Abramowski, A., F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, A. G. Akhperjanian, E. O. Angüner,… , T. Edwards, …, F. Jankowsky, …, A. M. W. Mitchell, …, H. Poon, …, (+coauthors): The 2012 Flare of PG 1553+113 Seen with H.E.S.S. and Fermi-LAT. The Astrophysical Journal 802, id. 65, 14 pp., 2015 Abramowski, A., F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, A. G. Akhperjanian, E. O. Angüner, …, T. Edwards, …, F. Jankowsky, …, A. M. W. Mitchell,…, H. Poon,…, (+coauthors): Constraints on an Annihilation Signal from a Core of Constant Dark Matter Density around the Milky Way Center with H.E.S.S. Physical Review Letters 114, id. 081301, 6 pp., 2015 Abreu-Vicente, J., J. Kainulainen, A. Stutz, T. Henning and H. Beuther: Relationship between the column density distribution and evolutionary class of molecular clouds as viewed by ATLASGAL. Astronomy and Astrophysics 581, id. A74, 33 pp., 2015 Arnold, C., E. Puchwein and V. Springel: The Lyman α forest in f(R) modified gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 448, 2275-2283, 2015 Arrigoni Battaia, F., J. F. Hennawi, J. X. Prochaska and S. Cantalupo: Deep He II and C IV Spectroscopy of a Giant Lyα Nebula: Dense Compact Gas Clumps in the Circumgalactic Medium of a z ~ 2 Quasar. The Astrophysical Journal 809, id. 163, 22 pp. , 2015 Arrigoni Battaia, F., Y. Yang, J. F. Hennawi, J. X. Prochaska, Y. Matsuda, T. Yamada and T. Hayashino: A Deep Narrowband Imaging Search for C IV and He II Emission from Lyα Blobs. The Astrophysical Journal 804, id. 26, 20 pp., 2015 Bachelet, E., D. M. Bramich, C. Han, J. Greenhill, R. A. Street, A. Gould, …, S. Ciceri,…, (+coauthors): Red Noise Versus Planetary Interpretations in the Microlensing Event Ogle-2013-BLG-446. The Astrophysical Journal 812, id. 136, 11 pp., 2015 Baczynski, C., S. C. O. Glover and R. S. Klessen: <monospace>Fervent</monospace>: chemistry-coupled, ionizing and non-ionizing radiative feedback in hydrodynamical simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 454, 380-411, 2015 Baehr, H. and H. Klahr: The Role of the Cooling Prescription for Disk Fragmentation: Numerical Convergence and Critical Cooling Parameter in Self-gravitating Disks. The Astrophysical Journal 814, id. 155, 10 pp., 2015 Bakos, G. Á., K. Penev, D. Bayliss, J. D. Hartman, G. Zhou, R. Brahm, L. Mancini, M. de Val-Borro, W. Bhatti, A. Jordán, M. Rabus, N. Espinoza, Z. Csubry, A. W. Howard, B. J. Fulton, L. A. Buchhave, S. Ciceri, ,…, (+coauthors): HATS-7b: A Hot Super Neptune Transiting a Quiet K Dwarf Star. The Astrophysical Journal 813, id. 111, 10 pp., 2015 Bañados, E., R. Decarli, F. Walter, B. P. Venemans, E. P. Farina and X. Fan: Bright [C II] 158 μm Emission in a Quasar Host Galaxy at z = 6.54. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 805, id. L8, 4 pp., 2015 Bañados, E., B. P. Venemans, E. Morganson, J. Hodge, R. Decarli, F. Walter, D. Stern, E. Schlafly, E. P. Farina, J. Greiner, K. C. Chambers, X. Fan, H.-W. Rix, W. S. Burgett, P. W. Draper, J. Flewelling, N. Kaiser, N. Metcalfe, J. S. Morgan, J. L. Tonry and R. J. Wainscoat: Constraining the Radio-loud Fraction of Quasars at z > 5.5. The Astrophysical Journal 804, id. 118, 12 pp., 2015 Bauer, A., V. Springel, M. Vogelsberger, S. Genel, P. Torrey, D. Sijacki, D. Nelson and L. Hernquist: Hydrogen reionization in the Illustris universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 453, 3593-3610, 2015 Bayliss, D., J. D. Hartman, G. Á. Bakos, K. Penev, G. Zhou, R. Brahm, M. Rabus, A. Jordán, L. Mancini, M. de Val-Borro, W. Bhatti, N. Espinoza, Z. Csubry, A. W. Howard, B. J. Fulton, L. A. Buchhave, T. Henning, B. Schmidt, S. Ciceri, R. W. Noyes, H. Isaacson, G. W. Marcy, V. Suc, J. Lázár, I. Papp and P. Sári: HATS-8b: A Low-density Transiting Super-Neptune. The Astronomical Journal 150, id. 49, 9 pp., 2015 Benisty, M., A. Juhasz, A. Boccaletti, H. Avenhaus, J. Milli, C. Thalmann, C. Dominik, P. Pinilla, E. Buenzli, A. Pohl, J.-L. Beuzit, T. Birnstiel, J. de Boer, M. Bonnefoy, G. Chauvin, V. Christiaens, A. Garufi, C. Grady, T. Henning, N. Huelamo, A. Isella, M. Langlois, F. Ménard, D. Mouillet, J. Olofsson, E. Pantin, C. Pinte and L. Pueyo: Asymmetric features in the protoplanetary disk MWC 758. Astronomy and Astrophysics 578, id. L6, 7 pp., 2015 Bertram, E., S. C. O. Glover, P. C. Clark and R. S. Klessen: Star formation efficiencies of molecular clouds in a galactic centre environment. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 451, 3679-3692, 2015 Bertram, E., R. S. Klessen and S. C. O. Glover: Structure analysis of simulated molecular clouds with the Δ-variance. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 451, 196-209, 2015 Bertram, E., L. Konstandin, R. Shetty, S. C. O. Glover and R. S. Klessen: Centroid velocity statistics of molecular clouds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 446, 3777-3787, 2015 Beuther, H., T. Henning, H. Linz, S. Feng, S. E. Ragan, R. J. Smith, S. Bihr, T. Sakai and R. Kuiper: Hierarchical fragmentation and collapse signatures in a high-mass starless region. Astronomy and Astrophysics 581, id. A119, 8 pp. , 2015 Bialas, D., T. Lisker, C. Olczak, R. Spurzem and R. Kotulla: On the occurrence of galaxy harassment. Astronomy and Astrophysics 576, id. A103, 14 pp., 2015 Bihr, S., H. Beuther, H. Linz, S. E. Ragan, M. Hennemann, J. Tackenberg, R. J. Smith, O. Krause and T. Henning: Kinematic and thermal structure at the onset of high-mass star formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 579, id. A51, 20 pp., 2015 Bihr, S., H. Beuther, J. Ott, K. G. Johnston, A. Brunthaler, L. D. Anderson, F. Bigiel,…, (+coauthors): THOR: The H i, OH, Recombination line survey of the Milky Way. The pilot study: H i observations of the giant molecular cloud W43. Astronomy and Astrophysics 580, id. A112, 17 pp., 2015 Biller, B. A., J. Vos, M. Bonavita, E. Buenzli, C. Baxter, I. J. M. Crossfield, K. Allers, M. C. Liu, M. Bonnefoy, N. Deacon, W. Brandner, J. E. Schlieder, T. Dupuy, T. Kopytova, E. Manjavacas, F. Allard, D. Homeier and T. Henning: Variability in a Young, L/T Transition Planetary-mass Object. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 813, id. L23, 6 pp., 2015 Bisbas, T. G., T. J. Haworth, R. J. R. Williams, J. Mackey, P. Tremblin, A. C. Raga, S. J. Arthur, C. Baczynski, J. E. Dale, T. Frostholm, S. Geen, T. Haugbølle, D. Hubber, I. T. Iliev, R. Kuiper, J. Rosdahl, D. Sullivan, S. Walch and R. Wünsch: STARBENCH: the D-type expansion of an H II region. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 453, 1324-1343, 2015 Brahm, R., A. Jordán, J. D. Hartman, G. Á. Bakos, D. Bayliss, K. Penev, G. Zhou, S. Ciceri, M. Rabus, N. Espinoza, L. Mancini, M. de Val-Borro, W. Bhatti, B. Sato, T. G. Tan, Z. Csubry, L. Buchhave, T. Henning, B. Schmidt, V. Suc, R. W. Noyes, I. Papp, J. Lázár and P. Sári: HATS9-b and HATS10-b: Two Compact Hot Jupiters in Field 7 of the K2 Mission. The Astronomical Journal 150, id. 33, 13 pp., 2015 Buck, T., A. V. Macciò and A. A. Dutton: Evidence for Early Filamentary Accretion from the Andromeda Galaxy’s Thin Plane of Satellites. The Astrophysical Journal 809, id. 49, 6 pp., 2015 Büdenbender, A., G. van de Ven and L. L. Watkins: The tilt of the velocity ellipsoid in the Milky Way disc. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 452, 956-968, 2015 Calchi Novati, S., A. Gould, A. Udalski, J. W. Menzies, I. A. Bond, Y. Shvartzvald, …, S. Ciceri,…, (+coauthors): Pathway to the Galactic Distribution of Planets: Combined Spitzer and Ground-Based Microlens Parallax Measurements of 21 Single-Lens Events. The Astrophysical Journal 804, id. 20, 25 pp., 2015 Caldú-Primo, A., A. Schruba, F. Walter, A. Leroy, A. D. Bolatto and S. Vogel: Spatially Extended and High-Velocity Dispersion Molecular Component in Spiral Galaxies: Single-Dish Versus Interferometric Observations. The Astronomical Journal 149, id. 76, 11 pp., 2015 Chang, X.-C., R.-Y. Liu and X.-Y. Wang: Star-forming Galaxies as the Origin of the IceCube PeV Neutrinos. The Astrophysical Journal 805, id. 95, 7 pp. , 2015 Ciceri, S., J. Lillo-Box, J. Southworth, L. Mancini, T. Henning and D. Barrado: Kepler-432 b: a massive planet in a highly eccentric orbit transiting a red giant. Astronomy and Astrophysics 573, id. L5, 4 pp., 2015 Ciceri, S., L. Mancini, J. Southworth, I. Bruni, N. Nikolov, G. D'Ago, T. Schröder, V. Bozza, J. Tregloan-Reed and T. Henning: Physical properties of the HAT-P-23 and WASP-48 planetary systems from multi-colour photometry. Astronomy and Astrophysics 577, id.A54, 10 pp., 2015 Cignoni, M., E. Sabbi, R. P. van der Marel, M. Tosi, D. Zaritsky, J. Anderson, D. J. Lennon, A. Aloisi, G. de Marchi, D. A. Gouliermis, E. K. Grebel, L. J. Smith and P. Zeidler: Hubble Tarantula Treasury Project. II. The Star-formation History of the Starburst Region NGC 2070 in 30 Doradus. The Astrophysical Journal 811, id. 76, 23 pp., 2015 Collaboration, H., A. Abramowski, F. Acero, F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, …, T. Edwards, …, F. Jankowsky, …, H. Poon, …, (+coauthors): Discovery of the VHE gamma-ray source HESS J1832-093 in the vicinity of SNR G22.7-0.2. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 446, 1163-1169, 2015 Collaboration, H. E. S. S., A. Abramowski, F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali,…, T. Edward., …, F. Jankowsky, …, H. Poon, …, (+coauthors): The high-energy γ-ray emission of AP Librae. Astronomy and Astrophysics 573, id. A31, 7 pp., 2015 Collaboration, H. E. S. S., A. Abramowski, F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, …, T. Edward., …, F. Jankowsky, …, H. Poon, …, (+coauthors): Probing the gamma-ray emission from HESS J1834-087 using H.E.S.S. and Fermi LAT observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 574, id. A27, 10 pp., 2015 Collaboration, H. E. S. S., A. Abramowski, F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali,… , T. Edwards, …, F. Jankowsky, …, A. M. W. Mitchell, …, H. Poon,…, (+coauthors): H.E.S.S. detection of TeV emission from the interaction region between the supernova remnant G349.7+0.2 and a molecular cloud. Astronomy and Astrophysics 574, id. A100, 7 pp., 2015 Collaboration, H. E. S. S., A. Abramowski, F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, …, T. Edwards, …, F. Jankowsky, …, A. M. W. Mitchell, …, H. Poon,…, (+coauthors): H.E.S.S. detection of TeV emission from the interaction region between the supernova remnant G349.7+0.2 and a molecular cloud (Corrigendum). Astronomy and Astrophysics 580, id. C1, 2 pp., 2015 Collaboration, H. E. S. S., A. Abramowski, F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, T. Edwards, …, F. Jankowsky, …, A. M. W. Mitchell, …, H. Poon,…, (+coauthors): H.E.S.S. reveals a lack of TeV emission from the supernova remnant Puppis A. Astronomy and Astrophysics 575, id. A81, 6 pp., 2015 Collaboration, H. E. S. S., A. Abramowski, F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, …, T. Edwards, …, F. Jankowsky, …, A. M. W. Mitchell, …, H. Poon,…, (+coauthors): The exceptionally powerful TeV γ-ray emitters in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Science 347, 406-412, 2015 Collaboration, H. E. S. S., A. Abramowski, F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, …, T. Edwards, …, F. Jankowsky, …, A. M. W. Mitchell, …, H. Poon,…, (+coauthors): Discovery of variable VHE γ-ray emission from the binary system 1FGL J1018.6-5856. Astronomy and Astrophysics 577, id. A131, 6 pp., 2015 Dutton, A. A., A. V. Macciò, G. S. Stinson, T. A. Gutcke, C. Penzo and T. Buck: The response of dark matter haloes to elliptical galaxy formation: a new test for quenching scenarios. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 453, 2447-2464, 2015 Dutton, A. A., A. V. Macciò, G. S. Stinson, T. A. Gutcke, C. Penzo and T. Buck: The response of dark matter haloes to elliptical galaxy formation: a new test for quenching scenarios. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 453, 2447-2464, 2015 Ercolano, B., C. Koepferl, J. Owen and T. Robitaille: Far-infrared signatures and inner hole sizes of protoplanetary discs undergoing inside-out dust dispersal. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 452, 3689-3695, 2015 Feng, F. and C. A. L. Bailer-Jones: Finding the imprints of stellar encounters in long-period comets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 454, 3267-3276, 2015 Feng, F. and C. A. L. Bailer-Jones: Obliquity and precession as pacemakers of Pleistocene deglaciations. Quaternary Science Reviews 122, 166-179, 2015 Feng, S., H. Beuther, T. Henning, D. Semenov, A. Palau and E. A. C. Mills: Resolving the chemical substructure of Orion-KL. Astronomy and Astrophysics 581, id. A71, 50 pp., 2015 Frank, M. J., A. Koch, S. Feltzing, N. Kacharov, M. I. Wilkinson and M. Irwin: Strömgren uvby photometry of the peculiar globular cluster NGC 2419. Astronomy and Astrophysics 581, id. A72, 15 pp., 2015 García-Benito, R., S. Zibetti, S. F. Sánchez, B. Husemann, A. L. de Amorim, …, R. Singh, K. Spekkens, V. Stanishev, J. P. Torres-Papaqui, G. van de Ven, J. M. Vilchez, C. J. Walcher, V. Wild, L. Wisotzki, B. Ziegler, J. Alves, D. Barrado, J. M. Quintana and J. Aceituno: CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey. III. Second public data release. Astronomy and Astrophysics 576, id. A135, 30 pp., 2015 Gatto, A., S. Walch, M.-M. M. Low, T. Naab, P. Girichidis, S. C. O. Glover, R. Wünsch, R. S. Klessen, P. C. Clark, C. Baczynski, T. Peters, J. P. Ostriker, J. C. Ibáñez-Mejía and S. Haid: Modelling the supernova-driven ISM in different environments. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 449, 1057-1075, 2015 Gerner, T., Y. L. Shirley, H. Beuther, D. Semenov, H. Linz, T. Albertsson and T. Henning: Chemical evolution in the early phases of massive star formation. II. Deuteration. Astronomy and Astrophysics 579, id. A80, 26 pp., 2015 Gutcke, T. A., N. Fanidakis, A. V. Macciò and C. Lacey: The star formation and AGN luminosity relation: predictions from a semi-analytical model. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 451, 3759-3767, 2015 Hansen, T., C. J. Hansen, N. Christlieb, T. C. Beers, D. Yong, M. S. Bessell, A. Frebel, A. E. García Pérez, V. M. Placco, J. E. Norris and M. Asplund: An Elemental Assay of Very, Extremely, and Ultra-metal-poor Stars. The Astrophysical Journal 807, id. 173, 17 pp., 2015 Hansen, T. T., J. Andersen, B. Nordström, T. C. Beers, J. Yoon and L. A. Buchhave: The role of binaries in the enrichment of the early Galactic halo. I. r-process-enhanced metal-poor stars. Astronomy and Astrophysics 583, id. A49, 13 pp., 2015 Hartman, J. D., D. Bayliss, R. Brahm, G. Á. Bakos, L. Mancini, A. Jordán, …, S. Ciceri, T. Henning, B. Schmidt, P. Arriagada, S. Shectman, J. Crane, I. Thompson, V. Suc, B. Csák, T. G. Tan, R. W. Noyes, J. Lázár, I. Papp and P. Sári: HATS-6b: A Warm Saturn Transiting an Early M Dwarf Star, and a Set of Empirical Relations for Characterizing K and M Dwarf Planet Hosts. The Astronomical Journal 149, id. 166, 20 pp., 2015 Hartman, J. D., W. Bhatti, G. Á. Bakos, A. Bieryla, G. Kovács, …, T. Hansen, B. Béky, R. W. Noyes, J. Lázár, I. Papp and P. Sári: HAT-P-50b, HAT-P-51b, HAT-P-52b, and HAT-P-53b: Three Transiting Hot Jupiters and a Transiting Hot Saturn From the HATNet Survey. The Astronomical Journal 150, id. 168, 17 pp. , 2015 Hartwig, T., P. C. Clark, S. C. O. Glover, R. S. Klessen and M. Sasaki: A New Approach to Determine Optically Thick H2 Cooling and its Effect on Primordial Star Formation. The Astrophysical Journal 799, id. 114, 15 pp., 2015 Heller, R., G.-D. Marleau and R. E. Pudritz: The formation of the Galilean moons and Titan in the Grand Tack scenario. Astronomy and Astrophysics 579, id. L4, 4 pp., 2015 Hennawi, J. F., J. X. Prochaska, S. Cantalupo and F. Arrigoni-Battaia: Quasar quartet embedded in giant nebula reveals rare massive structure in distant universe. Science 348, 779-783, 2015 Hernitschek, N., H.-W. Rix, J. Bovy and E. Morganson: Estimating Black Hole Masses in Hundreds of Quasars. The Astrophysical Journal 801, id. 45, 31 pp. , 2015 Herpich, J., G. S. Stinson, A. A. Dutton, H.-W. Rix, M. Martig, R. Roškar, A. V. Macciò, T. R. Quinn and J. Wadsley: How to bend galaxy disc profiles: the role of halo spin. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 448, L99-L103, 2015 Ianjamasimanana, R., W. J. G. de Blok, F. Walter, G. H. Heald, A. Caldú-Primo and T. H. Jarrett: The Radial Variation of H I Velocity Dispersions in Dwarfs and Spirals. The Astronomical Journal 150, id. 47, 12 pp., 2015 Juhász, A., M. Benisty, A. Pohl, C. P. Dullemond, C. Dominik and S.-J. Paardekooper: Spiral arms in scattered light images of protoplanetary discs: are they the signposts of planets? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 451, 1147-1157, 2015 Just, A., B. Fuchs, H. Jahreiß, C. Flynn, C. Dettbarn and J. Rybizki: The local stellar luminosity function and mass-to-light ratio in the near-infrared. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 451, 149-158, 2015 Kacharov, N., A. Koch, E. Caffau and L. Sbordone: Galactic evolution of sulphur as traced by globular clusters. Astronomy and Astrophysics 577, id. A18, 9 pp., 2015 Kains, N., A. Arellano Ferro, R. Figuera Jaimes, D. M. Bramich, J. Skottfelt,…, S. Ciceri, G. D'Ago, P. Galianni, S.-H. Gu, K. Harpsøe, T. C. Hinse, D. Juncher, H. Korhonen, L. Mancini, A. Popovas, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, J. Southworth, J. Surdej, C. Vilela, X.-B. Wang, O. Wertz and M. Consortium: A census of variability in globular cluster M 68 (NGC 4590). Astronomy and Astrophysics 578, id. A128, 23 pp. , 2015 Kapala, M. J., K. Sandstrom, B. Groves, K. Croxall, K. Kreckel, J. Dalcanton, A. Leroy, E. Schinnerer, F. Walter and M. Fouesneau: The Survey of Lines in M31 (SLIM): Investigating the Origins of [C II] Emission. The Astrophysical Journal 798, id. 24, 18 pp., 2015 Karoff, C., T. S. Metcalfe, W. J. Chaplin, S. Frandsen, F. Grundahl, H. Kjeldsen, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, M. B. Nielsen, S. Frimann, A. O. Thygesen, T. Arentoft, T. M. Amby, S. G. Sousa and D. L. Buzasi: Erratum: Sounding stellar cycles with Kepler - II. Ground-based observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 446, 1139-1139, 2015 Knapen, J. and M. Querejeta: Interactions, Starbursts, and Star Formation. Galaxies 3, 220-226, 2015 Knapen, J. H., M. Cisternas and M. Querejeta: Interacting galaxies in the nearby Universe: only moderate increase of star formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 454, 1742-1750, 2015 Koepferl, C. M., T. P. Robitaille, E. F. E. Morales and K. G. Johnston: Main-sequence Stars Masquerading as Young Stellar Objects in the Central Molecular Zone. The Astrophysical Journal 799, id. 53, 11 pp. , 2015 Kommer, C., T. Tugendhat and N. Wahl: Tutorium Physik fürs Nebenfach: Übersetzt aus dem Unverständlichen. Springer, Berlin 2015, 559 pp Lillo-Box, J., D. Barrado, L. Mancini, T. Henning, P. Figueira, S. Ciceri and N. Santos: Eclipsing binaries and fast rotators in the Kepler sample. Characterization via radial velocity analysis from Calar Alto. Astronomy and Astrophysics 576, id. A88, 16 pp., 2015 Lillo-Box, J., D. Barrado, N. C. Santos, L. Mancini, P. Figueira, S. Ciceri and T. Henning: Kepler-447b: a hot-Jupiter with an extremely grazing transit. Astronomy and Astrophysics 577, id. A105, 9 pp., 2015 Lobo Gomes, A., H. Klahr, A. L. Uribe, P. Pinilla and C. Surville: Vortex Formation and Evolution in Planet Harboring Disks Under Thermal Relaxation. The Astrophysical Journal 810, id. 94, 13 pp., 2015 Lobo Gomes, A., A. M. Magalhães, A. Pereyra and C. V. Rodrigues: A New Optical Polarization Catalog for the Small Magellanic Cloud: The Magnetic Field Structure. The Astrophysical Journal 806, id. 94, 19 pp., 2015 Macciò, A. V., R. Mainini, C. Penzo and S. A. Bonometto: Strongly coupled dark energy cosmologies: preserving ΛCDM success and easing low-scale problems - II. Cosmological simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 453, 1371-1378, 2015 Maire, A.-L., A. J. Skemer, P. M. Hinz, S. Desidera, S. Esposito, …, T. G. Kopytova, J. R. Males, D. Mesa, K. M. Morzinski, A. Oza, J. Patience, E. Pinna, A. Rajan, D. Schertl, J. E. Schlieder, K. Y. L. Su, A. Vaz, K. Ward-Duong, G. Weigelt and C. E. Woodward: The LEECH Exoplanet Imaging Survey. Further constraints on the planet architecture of the HR 8799 system. Astronomy and Astrophysics 576, id. A133, 10 pp. , 2015 Maire, A.-L., A. J. Skemer, P. M. Hinz, S. Desidera, S. Esposito,…, T. G. Kopytova, J. R. Males, D. Mesa, K. M. Morzinski, A. Oza, J. Patience, E. Pinna, A. Rajan, D. Schertl, J. E. Schlieder, K. Y. L. Su, A. Vaz, K. Ward-Duong, G. Weigelt and C. E. Woodward: The LEECH Exoplanet Imaging Survey. Further constraints on the planet architecture of the HR 8799 system (Corrigendum). Astronomy and Astrophysics 579, id.C2, 2 pp., 2015 Mancini, L., M. Esposito, E. Covino, G. Raia, J. Southworth, …, S. Ciceri,…, (+coauthors): The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. VIII. Observations of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect and characterisation of the transiting planetary systems HAT-P-36 and WASP-11/HAT-P-10. Astronomy and Astrophysics 579, id. A136, 15 pp., 2015 Mancini, L., P. Giacobbe, S. P. Littlefair, J. Southworth,…, S. Ciceri, …, (+coauthors):: Rotation periods and astrometric motions of the Luhman 16AB brown dwarfs by high-resolution lucky-imaging monitoring. Astronomy and Astrophysics 584, id. A104, 9 pp., 2015 Mancini, L., J. D. Hartman, K. Penev, G. Á. Bakos, R. Brahm, S. Ciceri, T. Henning, Z. Csubry, D. Bayliss, G. Zhou, M. Rabus, M. de Val-Borro, N. Espinoza, A. Jordán, V. Suc, W. Bhatti, B. Schmidt, B. Sato, T. G. Tan, D. J. Wright, C. G. Tinney, B. C. Addison, R. W. Noyes, J. Lázár, I. Papp and P. Sári: HATS-13b and HATS-14b: two transiting hot Jupiters from the HATSouth survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 580, id. A63, 13 pp., 2015 Meidt, S. E., A. Hughes, C. L. Dobbs, J. Pety, T. A. Thompson, S. García-Burillo, A. K. Leroy, E. Schinnerer, D. Colombo, M. Querejeta, C. Kramer, K. F. Schuster and G. Dumas: Short GMC Lifetimes: An Observational Estimate with the PdBI Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey (PAWS). The Astrophysical Journal 806, id. 72, 13 pp. , 2015 Meyer, S., M. Redlich and M. Bartelmann: Evolution of linear perturbations in Lemaítre-Tolman-Bondi void models. Journal of Cosmology and Astro-Particle Physics 03, id. 053, 41 pp., 2015 Mislis, D., L. Mancini, J. Tregloan-Reed, S. Ciceri, J. Southworth, G. D'Ago, I. Bruni, Ö. Baştürk, K. A. Alsubai, E. Bachelet, D. M. Bramich, T. Henning, T. C. Hinse, A. L. Iannella, N. Parley and T. Schroeder: High-precision multiband time series photometry of exoplanets Qatar-1b and TrES-5b. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 448, 2617-2623, 2015 Mollière, P., R. van Boekel, C. Dullemond, T. Henning and C. Mordasini: Model Atmospheres of Irradiated Exoplanets: The Influence of Stellar Parameters, Metallicity, and the C/O Ratio. The Astrophysical Journal 813, id. 47, 28 pp., 2015 Mordasini, C., P. Mollière, K.-M. Dittkrist, S. Jin and Y. Alibert: Global models of planet formation and evolution. International Journal of Astrobiology 14, 201-232, 2015 Morganson, E., P. J. Green, S. F. Anderson, J. J. Ruan, A. D. Myers, M. Eracleous, B. Kelly, C. Badenes, E. Bañados,.., (+coauthors): The Time Domain Spectroscopic Survey: Variable Selection and Anticipated Results. The Astrophysical Journal 806, id. 244, 22 pp., 2015 Muñoz-Mateos, J. C., K. Sheth, M. Regan, T. Kim, J. Laine, S. Erroz-Ferrer,…, M. Querejeta, T. Mizusawa, M. Seibert, S. Laine and H. Courtois: The Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G): Stellar Masses, Sizes, and Radial Profiles for 2352 Nearby Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 219, id. 3, 22 pp., 2015 Ortiz, M., D. Gandolfi, S. Reffert, A. Quirrenbach, H. J. Deeg, R. Karjalainen, P. Montañés-Rodríguez, D. Nespral, G. Nowak, Y. Osorio and E. Palle: Kepler-432 b: a massive warm Jupiter in a 52-day eccentric orbit transiting a giant star. Astronomy and Astrophysics 573, id. L6, 5 pp., 2015 Pacifici, C., E. da Cunha, S. Charlot, H.-W. Rix, M. Fumagalli, A. v. d. Wel, M. Franx, M. V. Maseda, P. G. van Dokkum, G. B. Brammer, I. Momcheva, R. E. Skelton, K. Whitaker, J. Leja, B. Lundgren, S. A. Kassin and S. K. Yi: On the importance of using appropriate spectral models to derive physical properties of galaxies at 0.7 < z < 2.8. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 447, 786-805, 2015 Peters, T., P. Girichidis, A. Gatto, T. Naab, S. Walch, R. Wünsch, S. C. O. Glover, P. C. Clark, R. S. Klessen and C. Baczynski: Impact of Supernova and Cosmic-Ray Driving on the Surface Brightness of the Galactic Halo in Soft X-Rays. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 813, id. L27, 7 pp., 2015 Placco, V. M., T. C. Beers, I. I. Ivans, D. Filler, J. A. Imig, I. U. Roederer, C. Abate, T. Hansen, J. J. Cowan, A. Frebel, J. E. Lawler, H. Schatz, C. Sneden, J. S. Sobeck, W. Aoki, V. V. Smith and M. Bolte: Hubble Space Telescope Near-Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Bright CEMP-s Stars. The Astrophysical Journal 812, id. 109, 18 pp., 2015 Pohl, A., P. Pinilla, M. Benisty, S. Ataiee, A. Juhász, C. P. Dullemond, R. Van Boekel and T. Henning: Scattered light images of spiral arms in marginally gravitationally unstable discs with an embedded planet. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 453, 1768-1778, 2015 Proft, S. and J. Wambsganss: Exploration of quasars with the Gaia mission. Astronomy and Astrophysics 574, id. A46, 11 pp., 2015 Querejeta, M., M. Eliche-Moral, T. Tapia, A. Borlaff, G. van de Ven, M. Lyubenova, M. Martig, J. Falcón-Barroso, J. Méndez-Abreu, J. Zamorano and J. Gallego: Creating S0s with Major Mergers: A 3D View. Galaxies 3, 202-211, 2015 Querejeta, M., M. C. Eliche-Moral, T. Tapia, A. Borlaff, C. Rodríguez-Pérez, J. Zamorano and J. Gallego: Formation of S0 galaxies through mergers. Bulge-disc structural coupling resulting from major mergers. Astronomy and Astrophysics 573, id. A78, 23 pp., 2015 Querejeta, M., M. C. Eliche-Moral, T. Tapia, A. Borlaff, G. van de Ven, M. Lyubenova, M. Martig, J. Falcón-Barroso and J. Méndez-Abreu: Formation of S0 galaxies through mergers. Explaining angular momentum and concentration change from spirals to S0s. Astronomy and Astrophysics 579, id. L2, 6 pp., 2015 Querejeta, M., S. E. Meidt, E. Schinnerer, M. Cisternas, J. C. Muñoz-Mateos, K. Sheth, J. Knapen, G. van de Ven, M. A. Norris, R. Peletier, E. Laurikainen, H. Salo, B. W. Holwerda, E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, B. Groves, L. C. Ho, D. A. Gadotti, D. Zaritsky, M. Regan, J. Hinz, A. Gil de Paz, K. Menendez-Delmestre, M. Seibert, T. Mizusawa, T. Kim, S. Erroz-Ferrer, J. Laine and S. Comerón: The Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G): Precise Stellar Mass Distributions from Automated Dust Correction at 3.6 μm. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 219, id. 5, 19 pp. , 2015 Rezaei Kh., S., C. A. L. Bailer-Jones and R. J. Hanson: Getting ready for Gaia: three-dimensional modeling of dust in the Milky Way. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana 86, 642-645, 2015 Roccatagliata, V., J. E. Dale, T. Ratzka, L. Testi, A. Burkert, C. Koepferl, A. Sicilia-Aguilar, C. Eiroa and B. Gaczkowski: A network of filaments detected by Herschel in the Serpens core. A laboratory to test simulations of low-mass star formation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 584, id. A119, 16 pp., 2015 Rybizki, J. and A. Just: Towards a fully consistent Milky Way disc model - III. Constraining the initial mass function. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 447, 3880-3891, 2015 Salo, H., E. Laurikainen, J. Laine, S. Comerón, D. A. Gadotti, R. Buta, …, S. E. Meidt and M. Querejeta: The Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S4G): Multi-component Decomposition Strategies and Data Release. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 219, id. 4, 45 pp., 2015 San Roman, I., C. Muñoz, D. Geisler, S. Villanova, N. Kacharov, …, (+coauthors): The Gaia-ESO Survey: Detailed abundances in the metal-poor globular cluster NGC 4372. Astronomy and Astrophysics 579, id. A6, 14 pp., 2015 Schaal, K., A. Bauer, P. Chandrashekar, R. Pakmor, C. Klingenberg and V. Springel: Astrophysical hydrodynamics with a high-order discontinuous Galerkin scheme and adaptive mesh refinement. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 453, 4278-4300, 2015 Schaal, K. and V. Springel: Shock finding on a moving mesh - I. Shock statistics in non-radiative cosmological simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 446, 3992-4007, 2015 Schauer, A. T. P., D. J. Whalen, S. C. O. Glover and R. S. Klessen: Lyman-Werner UV escape fractions from primordial haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 454, 2441-2450, 2015 Schnülle, K., J.-U. Pott, H.-W. Rix, B. M. Peterson, G. De Rosa and B. Shappee: Monitoring the temperature and reverberation delay of the circumnuclear hot dust in NGC 4151. Astronomy and Astrophysics 578, id. A57, 18 pp., 2015 Schober, J., D. R. G. Schleicher, C. Federrath, S. Bovino and R. S. Klessen: Saturation of the turbulent dynamo. Physical Review E 92, id. 023010, 12 pp., 2015 Schober, J., D. R. G. Schleicher and R. S. Klessen: X-ray emission from star-forming galaxies - signatures of cosmic rays and magnetic fields. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 446, 2-17, 2015 Schwab, C., J. Stürmer, Y. V. Gurevich, T. Führer, S. K. Lamoreaux, T. Walther and A. Quirrenbach: Stabilizing a Fabry-Perot Etalon Peak to 3 cm s-1 for Spectrograph Calibration. Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 127, 880-889, 2015 Seeliger, M., M. Kitze, R. Errmann, S. Richter, J. M. Ohlert, W. P. Chen, …, S. Buder,…, (+coauthors): Ground-based transit observations of the HAT-P-18, HAT-P-19, HAT-P-27/WASP40 and WASP-21 systems. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 451, 4060-4072, 2015 Skottfelt, J., D. M. Bramich, R. Figuera Jaimes, U. G. Jørgensen, N. Kains, A. Arellano Ferro, K. A. Alsubai, V. Bozza, S. Calchi Novati, S. Ciceri, …, (+coauthors): Searching for variable stars in the cores of five metal-rich globular clusters using EMCCD observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 573, id. A103, 23 pp., 2015 Smalley, B., E. Niemczura, S. J. Murphy, H. Lehmann, D. W. Kurtz, D. L. Holdsworth, M. S. Cunha, L. A. Balona, M. Briquet, H. Bruntt, P. De Cat, P. Lampens, A. O. Thygesen and K. Uytterhoeven: KIC 4768731: a bright long-period roAp star in the Kepler field. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 452, 3334-3345, 2015 Southworth, J., L. Mancini, S. Ciceri, J. Budaj, M. Dominik, R. Figuera Jaimes, …, (+coauthors): High-precision photometry by telescope defocusing - VII. The ultrashort period planet WASP-103. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 447, 711-721, 2015 Southworth, J., L. Mancini, J. Tregloan-Reed, S. Calchi Novati, S. Ciceri, …, (+coauthors):: Larger and faster: revised properties and a shorter orbital period for the WASP-57 planetary system from a pro-am collaboration. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 454, 3094-3107, 2015 Sozzetti, A., A. S. Bonomo, K. Biazzo, L. Mancini, M. Damasso, S. Desidera, R. Gratton, A. F. Lanza, E. Poretti, M. Rainer, L. Malavolta, L. Affer, M. Barbieri, L. R. Bedin, C. Boccato, M. Bonavita, F. Borsa, S. Ciceri,…, (+coauthors):: The GAPS programme with HARPS-N at TNG. VI. The curious case of TrES-4b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 575, id. L15, 10 pp., 2015 Stinson, G. S., A. A. Dutton, L. Wang, A. V. Macciò, J. Herpich, J. D. Bradford, T. R. Quinn, J. Wadsley and B. Keller: NIHAO III: the constant disc gas mass conspiracy. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 454, 1105-1116, 2015 Stock, D., S. Meyer, E. Sarli, M. Bartelmann, I. Balestra, C. Grillo, A. Koekemoer, A. Mercurio, M. Nonino and P. Rosati: The projected gravitational potential of the galaxy cluster MACS J1206 derived from galaxy kinematics. Astronomy and Astrophysics 584, id. A63, 7 pp., 2015 Tchernin, C., C. L. Majer, S. Meyer, E. Sarli, D. Eckert and M. Bartelmann: Reconstructing the projected gravitational potential of Abell 1689 from X-ray measurements. Astronomy and Astrophysics 574, id. A122, 7 pp., 2015 Teague, R., D. Semenov, S. Guilloteau, T. Henning, A. Dutrey, V. Wakelam, E. Chapillon and V. Pietu: Chemistry in disks. IX. Observations and modelling of HCO+ and DCO+ in DM Tauri. Astronomy and Astrophysics 574, id. A137, 12 pp., 2015 Tregloan-Reed, J., J. Southworth, M. Burgdorf, S. C. Novati, M. Dominik, …, T. Gerner, K. Harpsøe, T. C. Hinse, M. Hundertmark, N. Kains, E. Kerins, C. Liebig, M. T. Penny, S. Rahvar, K. Sahu, G. Scarpetta, S. Schäfer, F. Schönebeck, J. Skottfelt and J. Surdej: Transits and starspots in the WASP-6 planetary system. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 450, 1760-1769, 2015 Tsatsi, A., A. V. Macciò, G. van de Ven and B. P. Moster: A New Channel for the Formation of Kinematically Decoupled Cores in Early-type Galaxies. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 802, id. L3, 7 pp., 2015 Venemans, B. P., E. Bañados, R. Decarli, …, C. Mazzucchelli,…, (+coauthors): The Identification of Z-dropouts in Pan-STARRS1: Three Quasars at 6.5< z< 6.7. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 801, 2015 Venemans, B. P., G. A. Verdoes Kleijn, J. Mwebaze, E. A. Valentijn, E. Bañados, R. Decarli, J. T. A. de Jong, J. R. Findlay, K. H. Kuijken, F. L. Barbera, J. P. McFarland, R. G. McMahon, N. Napolitano, G. Sikkema and W. J. Sutherland: First discoveries of z ˜ 6 quasars with the Kilo-Degree Survey and VISTA Kilo-Degree Infrared Galaxy survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 453, 2259-2266, 2015 Vickers, J. J., M. C. Smith and E. K. Grebel: Red Runaways: Hypervelocity Stars, Hills Ejecta, and Other Outliers in the F-to-M Star Regime. The Astronomical Journal 150, id. 77, 16 pp., 2015 Walch, S., P. Girichidis, T. Naab, A. Gatto, S. C. O. Glover, R. Wünsch, R. S. Klessen, P. C. Clark, T. Peters, D. Derigs and C. Baczynski: The SILCC (SImulating the LifeCycle of molecular Clouds) project - I. Chemical evolution of the supernova-driven ISM. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 454, 238-268, 2015 Wang, L., A. A. Dutton, G. S. Stinson, A. V. Macciò, C. Penzo, X. Kang, B. W. Keller and J. Wadsley: NIHAO project - I. Reproducing the inefficiency of galaxy formation across cosmic time with a large sample of cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 454, 83-94, 2015 Winther, H. A., F. Schmidt, A. Barreira, C. Arnold, S. Bose, C. Llinares, M. Baldi, B. Falck, W. A. Hellwing, K. Koyama, B. Li, D. F. Mota, E. Puchwein, R. E. Smith and G.-B. Zhao: Modified gravity N-body code comparison project. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 454, 4208-4234, 2015 Yurin, D. and V. Springel: The stability of stellar discs in Milky Way-sized dark matter haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 452, 2367-2387, 2015 Zeidler, P., E. Sabbi, A. Nota, E. K. Grebel, M. Tosi, A. Z. Bonanos, A. Pasquali, C. Christian, S. E. de Mink and L. Ubeda: A High-resolution Multiband Survey of Westerlund 2 with the Hubble Space Telescope. I. Is the Massive Star Cluster Double? The Astronomical Journal 150, id. 78, 23 pp. , 2015 Zhou, G., D. Bayliss, J. D. Hartman, M. Rabus, G. Á. Bakos, A. Jordán, R. Brahm, K. Penev, Z. Csubry, L. Mancini, N. Espinoza, M. de Val-Borro, W. Bhatti, S. Ciceri, T. Henning, B. Schmidt, S. J. Murphy, R. P. Butler, P. Arriagada, S. Shectman, J. Crane, I. Thompson, V. Suc and R. W. Noyes: A 0.24+0.18 Mo double-lined eclipsing binary from the HATSouth survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 451, 2263-2277, 2015 Zitrin, A., A. Fabris, J. Merten, P. Melchior, M. Meneghetti, A. Koekemoer, D. Coe, M. Maturi, M. Bartelmann, M. Postman, K. Umetsu, G. Seidel, I. Sendra, T. Broadhurst, I. Balestra, A. Biviano, C. Grillo, A. Mercurio, M. Nonino, P. Rosati, L. Bradley, M. Carrasco, M. Donahue, H. Ford, B. L. Frye and J. Moustakas: Hubble Space Telescope Combined Strong and Weak Lensing Analysis of the CLASH Sample: Mass and Magnification Models and Systematic Uncertainties. The Astrophysical Journal 801, id. 44, 21 pp., 2015
2014 Abbas, M. A., E. K. Grebel, N. F. Martin, W. S. Burgett, H. Flewelling and R. J. Wainscoat: Newly discovered RR Lyrae stars in the SDSS-Pan-STARRS1-Catalina footprint. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 441, 1230-1242, 2014 Abramowski, A., F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, ..., G. Cologna,..., T. Edwards, ..., F. Jankowsky, ..., A. M. W. Mitchell, ..., H. Poon, ...(+ coauthors): Diffuse Galactic gamma-ray emission with H.E.S.S. Physical Review D 90, id.122007, 2014 Abramowski, A., F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, ..., G. Cologna,..., T. Edwards, ..., F. Jankowsky, ..., A. M. W. Mitchell, ..., H. Poon, ...(+ coauthors): Diffuse Galactic gamma-ray emission with H.E.S.S. Physical Review D 90, id.122007, 2014 Abramowski, A., F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, ..., G. Cologna,..., T. Edwards, ..., F. Jankowsky, ..., A. M. W. Mitchell, ..., H. Poon, ...(+ coauthors): Discovery of the Hard Spectrum VHE γ-Ray Source HESS J1641-463. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 794, id. L1, 6 pp., 2014 Abramowski, A., F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, ..., G. Cologna,..., T. Edwards, ..., F. Jankowsky, ..., H. Poon, ...(+ coauthors): HESS J1640-465 - an exceptionally luminous TeV γ-ray supernova remnant. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 439, 2828-2836, 2014 Albertsson, T., N. Indriolo, H. Kreckel, D. Semenov, K. N. Crabtree and T. Henning: First Time-dependent Study of H2 and H_3^+ Ortho-Para Chemistry in the Diffuse Interstellar Medium: Observations Meet Theoretical Predictions. The Astrophysical Journal 787, id. 44, 10 pp., 2014 Albertsson, T., D. Semenov and T. Henning: Chemodynamical Deuterium Fractionation in the Early Solar Nebula: The Origin of Water on Earth and in Asteroids and Comets. The Astrophysical Journal 784, id. 39, 11 pp, 2014 Abramowski, A., F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, ..., G. Cologna,..., T. Edwards, ..., F. Jankowsky, ..., H. Poon, ...(+ coauthors): Long-term TeV and X-Ray Observations of the Gamma-Ray Binary HESS J0632+057. The Astrophysical Journal 780, id. 168, 14 pp., 2014 Amorín, R., A. Grazian, M. Castellano, L. Pentericci, A. Fontana, V. Sommariva, A. van der Wel, M. Maseda and E. Merlin: Evidence of Very Low Metallicity and High Ionization State in a Strongly Lensed, Star-forming Dwarf Galaxy at z= 3.417. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 788, id. L4, 5 pp., 2014 Arnold, C., E. Puchwein and V. Springel: Scaling relations and mass bias in hydrodynamical f (R) gravity simulations of galaxy clusters. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 440, 833-842, 2014 Bañados, E., B. P. Venemans, E. Morganson, R. Decarli, F. Walter, K. C. Chambers, H.-W. Rix, E. P. Farina, X. Fan, L. Jiang, I. McGreer, G. De Rosa, R. Simcoe, A. Weiß, P. A. Price, J. S. Morgan, W. S. Burgett, J. Greiner, N. Kaiser, R.-P. Kudritzki, E. A. Magnier, N. Metcalfe, C. W. Stubbs, W. Sweeney, J. L. Tonry, R. J. Wainscoat and C. Waters: Discovery of Eight z ~ 6 Quasars from Pan-STARRS1. The Astronomical Journal 148, id. 14, 12 pp., 2014 Bellini, A., J. Anderson, R. P. van der Marel, L. L. Watkins, I. R. King, P. Bianchini, J. Chanamé, R. Chandar, A. M. Cool, F. R. Ferraro, H. Ford and D. Massari: Hubble Space Telescope Proper Motion (HSTPROMO) Catalogs of Galactic Globular Clusters. I. Sample Selection, Data Reduction, and NGC 7078 Results. The Astrophysical Journal 797, id. 115, 33 pp., 2014 Bertram, E., R. Shetty, S. C. O. Glover, R. S. Klessen, J. Roman-Duval and C. Federrath: Principal component analysis of molecular clouds: can CO reveal the dynamics? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 440, 465-475, 2014 Biddle, L. I., K. A. Pearson, I. J. M. Crossfield, B. J. Fulton, S. Ciceri, J. Eastman, T. Barman, A. W. Mann, G. W. Henry, A. W. Howard, M. H. Williamson, E. Sinukoff, D. Dragomir, L. Vican, L. Mancini, J. Southworth, A. Greenberg, J. D. Turner, R. Thompson, B. W. Taylor, S. E. Levine and M. W. Webber: Warm ice giant GJ 3470b - II. Revised planetary and stellar parameters from optical to near-infrared transit photometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 443, 1810-1820, 2014 Bigiel, F., D. Cormier and T. Schmidt: The interstellar medium and star formation in nearby galaxies. Ludwig Biermann Award Lecture 2013. Astronomische Nachrichten 335, 470-485, 2014 Bonnefoy, M., T. Currie, G.-D. Marleau, J. E. Schlieder, J. Wisniewski, J. Carson, K. R. Covey, T. Henning, B. Biller, P. Hinz, H. Klahr, ...(+coauthors): Characterization of the gaseous companion κ Andromedae b. New Keck and LBTI high-contrast observations. Astronomy and Astrophysics 562, id. A111, 20 pp., 2014 Bonnefoy, M., G.-D. Marleau, R. Galicher, H. Beust, A.-M. Lagrange, J.-L. Baudino, G. Chauvin, S. Borgniet, N. Meunier, J. Rameau, A. Boccaletti, A. Cumming, C. Helling, D. Homeier, F. Allard and P. Delorme: Physical and orbital properties of β Pictoris b. Astronomy and Astrophysics 567, id. L9, 6 pp., 2014 Borlaff, A., M. C. Eliche-Moral, C. Rodríguez-Pérez, M. Querejeta, T. Tapia, P. G. Pérez-González, J. Zamorano, J. Gallego and J. Beckman: Formation of S0 galaxies through mergers. Antitruncated stellar discs resulting from major mergers. Astronomy and Astrophysics 570, id. A103, 30 pp., 2014 Cantalupo, S., F. Arrigoni-Battaia, J. X. Prochaska, J. F. Hennawi and P. Madau: A cosmic web filament revealed in Lyman-α emission around a luminous high-redshift quasar. Nature 506, 63-66, 2014 Chira, R.-A., R. J. Smith, R. S. Klessen, A. M. Stutz and R. Shetty: Line profiles of cores within clusters - III. What is the most reliable tracer of core collapse in dense clusters? Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 444, 874-886, 2014 Cielo, S., V. Antonuccio-Delogu, A. V. Macciò, A. D. Romeo and J. Silk: 3D simulations of the early stages of AGN jets: geometry, thermodynamics and backflow. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 439, 2903-2916, 2014 Collaboration, H. E. S. S., Abramowski, A., F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, ..., G. Cologna,..., T. Edwards, ..., F. Jankowsky, ..., H. Poon, ...(+ coauthors): Search for extended γ-ray emission around AGN with H.E.S.S. and Fermi-LAT. Astronomy and Astrophysics 562, id. A145, 10 pp., 2014 Collaboration, H. E. S. S., Abramowski, A., F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, ..., G. Cologna,..., T. Edwards, ..., F. Jankowsky, ..., H. Poon, ...(+ coauthors): Erratum: HESS J1640-465 - an exceptionally luminous TeV γ-ray supernova remnant. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 441, 3640-3642, 2014 Collaboration, H. E. S. S., Abramowski, A., F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, ..., G. Cologna,..., T. Edwards, ..., F. Jankowsky, ..., H. Poon, ...(+ coauthors): Flux upper limits for 47 AGN observed with H.E.S.S. in 2004-2011. Astronomy and Astrophysics 564, id. A9, 10 pp., 2014 Collaboration, H. E. S. S., Abramowski, A., F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, ..., G. Cologna,..., T. Edwards, ..., F. Jankowsky, ..., H. Poon, ...(+ coauthors): H.E.S.S. observations of the Crab during its March 2013 GeV gamma-ray flare. Astronomy and Astrophysics 562, id. L4, 5 pp., 2014 Collaboration, H. E. S. S., Abramowski, A., F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, ..., G. Cologna,..., T. Edwards, ..., F. Jankowsky, ..., H. Poon, ...(+ coauthors): HESS J1818-154, a new composite supernova remnant discovered in TeV gamma rays and X-rays. Astronomy and Astrophysics 562, id. A40, 10 pp., 2014 Collaboration, H. E. S. S., Abramowski, A., F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, ..., G. Cologna,..., T. Edwards, ..., F. Jankowsky, ..., H. Poon, ...(+ coauthors): Search for TeV Gamma-ray Emission from GRB 100621A, an extremely bright GRB in X-rays, with H.E.S.S. Astronomy and Astrophysics 565, id. A16, 6 pp., 2014 Collaboration, H. E. S. S., Abramowski, A., F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, ..., G. Cologna,..., T. Edwards, ..., F. Jankowsky, ..., H. Poon, ...(+ coauthors): Long-term monitoring of PKS 2155-304 with ATOM and H.E.S.S.: investigation of optical/γ-ray correlations in different spectral states. Astronomy and Astrophysics 571, id. A39, 10 pp., 2014 Collaboration, H. E. S. S., Abramowski, A., F. Aharonian, F. Ait Benkhali, ..., G. Cologna,..., T. Edwards, ..., F. Jankowsky, ..., H. Poon, ...(+ coauthors): TeV γ-ray observations of the young synchrotron-dominated SNRs G1.9+0.3 and G330.2+1.0 with H.E.S.S. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 441, 790-799, 2014 Colombo, D., A. Hughes, E. Schinnerer, S. E. Meidt, A. K. Leroy, J. Pety, C. L. Dobbs, S. García-Burillo, G. Dumas, T. A. Thompson, K. F. Schuster and C. Kramer: The PdBI Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey (PAWS): Environmental Dependence of Giant Molecular Cloud Properties in M51. The Astrophysical Journal 784, id. 3, 32 pp., 2014 Colombo, D., S. E. Meidt, E. Schinnerer, S. García-Burillo, A. Hughes, J. Pety, A. K. Leroy, C. L. Dobbs, G. Dumas, T. A. Thompson, K. F. Schuster and C. Kramer: The PdBI Arcsecond Whirlpool Survey (PAWS): Multi-phase Cold Gas Kinematic of M51. The Astrophysical Journal 784, id. 4, 18 pp., 2014 Crossfield, I. J. M., B. Biller, J. E. Schlieder, N. R. Deacon, M. Bonnefoy, D. Homeier, F. Allard, E. Buenzli, T. Henning, W. Brandner, B. Goldman and T. Kopytova: A global cloud map of the nearest known brown dwarf. Nature 505, 654-656, 2014 Decarli, R., M. Dotti, C. Mazzucchelli, C. Montuori and M. Volonteri: New insights on the recoiling/binary black hole candidate J0927+2943 via molecular gas observations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 445, 1558-1566, 2014 Decarli, R., F. Walter, C. Carilli, D. Riechers, P. Cox, R. Neri, M. Aravena, E. Bell, F. Bertoldi, D. Colombo, E. Da Cunha, E. Daddi, M. Dickinson, D. Downes, R. Ellis, L. Lentati, R. Maiolino, K. M. Menten, H.-W. Rix, M. Sargent, D. Stark, B. Weiner and A. Weiss: A Molecular Line Scan in the Hubble Deep Field North. The Astrophysical Journal 782, id. 78, 18 pp., 2014 Deheuvels, S., G. Doğan, M. J. Goupil, T. Appourchaux, O. Benomar, H. Bruntt, T. L. Campante, L. Casagrande, T. Ceillier, G. R. Davies, P. De Cat, J. N. Fu, R. A. García, A. Lobel, B. Mosser, D. R. Reese, C. Regulo, J. Schou, T. Stahn, A. O. Thygesen, X. H. Yang, W. J. Chaplin, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, P. Eggenberger, L. Gizon, S. Mathis, J. Molenda-Żakowicz and M. Pinsonneault: Seismic constraints on the radial dependence of the internal rotation profiles of six Kepler subgiants and young red giants. Astronomy and Astrophysics 564, id. A27, 24 pp., 2014, ADS link Dittkrist, K.-M., C. Mordasini, H. Klahr, Y. Alibert and T. Henning: Impacts of planet migration models on planetary populations. Effects of saturation, cooling and stellar irradiation. Astronomy and Astrophysics 567, id. A121, 18 pp., 2014 Drążkowska, J., F. Windmark and C. P. Dullemond: Modeling dust growth in protoplanetary disks: The breakthrough case. Astronomy and Astrophysics 567, id.A38, 8 pp., 2014 Dullemond, C. P., S. M. Stammler and A. Johansen: Forming Chondrules in Impact Splashes. I. Radiative Cooling Model. The Astrophysical Journal 794, 2014 Federrath, C., J. Schober, S. Bovino and D. R. G. Schleicher: The Turbulent Dynamo in Highly Compressible Supersonic Plasmas. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 797, id. L19, 6 pp., 2014 Feng, F. and C. A. L. Bailer-Jones: Exploring the role of the Sun's motion in terrestrial comet impacts. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 442, 3653-3673, 2014 Font, J., J. E. Beckman, M. Querejeta, B. Epinat, P. A. James, J. Blasco-herrera, S. Erroz-Ferrer and I. Pérez: Interlocking Resonance Patterns in Galaxy Disks. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 210, id. 2, 30 pp., 2014 Fumagalli, M., I. Labbé, S. G. Patel, M. Franx, P. van Dokkum, G. Brammer, E. da Cunha, N. M. Förster Schreiber, M. Kriek, R. Quadri, H.-W. Rix, D. Wake, K. E. Whitaker, B. Lundgren, D. Marchesini, M. Maseda, I. Momcheva, E. Nelson, C. Pacifici and R. E. Skelton: How Dead are Dead Galaxies? Mid-infrared Fluxes of Quiescent Galaxies at Redshift 0.3 < z < 2.5: Implications for Star Formation Rates and Dust Heating. The Astrophysical Journal 796, id. 35, 11 pp., 2014 Gerner, T., H. Beuther, D. Semenov, H. Linz, T. Vasyunina, S. Bihr, Y. L. Shirley and T. Henning: Chemical evolution in the early phases of massive star formation. I. Astronomy and Astrophysics 563, id. A97, 31 pp. , 2014 Giacchè, S., R. Gilli and L. Titarchuk: Analysis of X-ray spectral variability and black hole mass determination of the NLS1 galaxy Mrk 766. Astronomy and Astrophysics 562, 2014 Girichidis, P., L. Konstandin, A. P. Whitworth and R. S. Klessen: On the Evolution of the Density Probability Density Function in Strongly Self-gravitating Systems. The Astrophysical Journal 781, id. 91, 12 pp., 2014 Greene, J. E., A. Seth, M. Lyubenova, J. Walsh, G. van de Ven and R. Läsker: Circumnuclear Molecular Gas in Megamaser Disk Galaxies NGC 4388 and NGC 1194. The Astrophysical Journal 788, id. 145, 14 pp., 2014 Hansen, T., C. J. Hansen, N. Christlieb, D. Yong, M. S. Bessell, A. E. García Pérez, T. C. Beers, V. M. Placco, A. Frebel, J. E. Norris and M. Asplund: Exploring the Origin of Lithium, Carbon, Strontium, and Barium with Four New Ultra Metal-poor Stars. The Astrophysical Journal 787, id. 162, 9 pp., 2014 Hanson, R. J. and C. A. L. Bailer-Jones: 3D Galactic dust extinction mapping with multiband photometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 438, 2938-2953, 2014 Hendricks, B., A. Koch, G. A. Lanfranchi, C. Boeche, M. Walker, C. I. Johnson, J. Peñarrubia and G. Gilmore: The Metal-poor Knee in the Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 785, id. 102, 9 pp., 2014 Hendricks, B., A. Koch, M. Walker, C. I. Johnson, J. Peñarrubia and G. Gilmore: Insights from the outskirts: Chemical and dynamical properties in the outer parts of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 572, id. A82, 19 pp., 2014 Herpich, J., G. S. Stinson, A. V. Macciò, C. Brook, J. Wadsley, H. M. P. Couchman and T. Quinn: MaGICC-WDM: the effects of warm dark matter in hydrodynamical simulations of disc galaxy formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 437, 293-304, 2014 Jordán, A., R. Brahm, G. Á. Bakos, D. Bayliss, K. Penev, J. D. Hartman, G. Zhou, L. Mancini, M. Mohler-Fischer, S. Ciceri, B. Sato, Z. Csubry, M. Rabus, V. Suc, N. Espinoza, W. Bhatti, M. de Val-Borro, L. Buchhave, B. Csák, T. Henning, B. Schmidt, T. G. Tan, R. W. Noyes, B. Béky, R. P. Butler, S. Shectman, J. Crane, I. Thompson, A. Williams, R. Martin, C. Contreras, J. Lázár, I. Papp and P. Sári: HATS-4b: A Dense Hot Jupiter Transiting a Super Metal-rich G star. The Astronomical Journal 148, id. 29, 12 pp., 2014 Kacharov, N., P. Bianchini, A. Koch, M. J. Frank, N. F. Martin, G. van de Ven, T. H. Puzia, I. McDonald, C. I. Johnson and A. A. Zijlstra: A study of rotating globular clusters. The case of the old, metal-poor globular cluster NGC 4372. Astronomy and Astrophysics 567, id. A69, 12 pp., 2014 Kannan, R., G. S. Stinson, A. V. Macciò, C. Brook, S. M. Weinmann, J. Wadsley and H. M. P. Couchman: The MaGICC volume: reproducing statistical properties of high-redshift galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 437, 3529-3539, 2014 Kannan, R., G. S. Stinson, A. V. Macciò, J. F. Hennawi, R. Woods, J. Wadsley, S. Shen, T. Robitaille, S. Cantalupo, T. R. Quinn and C. Christensen: Galaxy formation with local photoionization feedback - I. Methods. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 437, 2882-2893, 2014 Koch, A., T. Hansen, S. Feltzing and M. I. Wilkinson: A Spectroscopic Binary in the Hercules Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy. The Astrophysical Journal 780, id. 91, 6 pp., 2014 Kopytova, T. G., I. J. M. Crossfield, N. R. Deacon, W. Brandner, E. Buenzli, A. Bayo, J. E. Schlieder, E. Manjavacas, B. A. Biller and D. Kopon: Deep z-band Observations of the Coolest Y Dwarf. The Astrophysical Journal 797, id. 3, 4 pp. , 2014 Läsker, R., L. Ferrarese and G. van de Ven: Supermassive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies. I. Bulge Luminosities from Dedicated Near-infrared Data. The Astrophysical Journal 780, id. 69, 41 pp., 2014 Läsker, R., L. Ferrarese, G. van de Ven and F. Shankar: Supermassive Black Holes and Their Host Galaxies. II. The Correlation with Near-infrared Luminosity Revisited. The Astrophysical Journal 780, id. 70, 16 pp., 2014 Lillo-Box, J., D. Barrado, T. Henning, L. Mancini, S. Ciceri, P. Figueira, N. C. Santos, J. Aceituno and S. F. Sánchez: Radial velocity confirmation of Kepler-91 b. Additional evidence of its planetary nature using the Calar Alto/CAFE instrument. Astronomy and Astrophysics 568, id. L1, 4 pp., 2014 Liu, R.-Y., X.-Y. Wang, S. Inoue, R. Crocker and F. Aharonian: Diffuse PeV neutrinos from EeV cosmic ray sources: Semirelativistic hypernova remnants in star-forming galaxies. Physical Review D 89, id. 083004, 2014 Malygin, M. G., R. Kuiper, H. Klahr, C. P. Dullemond and T. Henning: Mean gas opacity for circumstellar environments and equilibrium temperature degeneracy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 568, id. A91, 8 pp, 2014 Mancini, L., J. Southworth, S. Ciceri, S. Calchi Novati, M. Dominik, T. Henning, U. G. Jørgensen, H. Korhonen, N. Nikolov, K. A. Alsubai, V. Bozza, D. M. Bramich, G. D'Ago, R. Figuera Jaimes, P. Galianni, S.-H. Gu, K. Harpsøe, T. C. Hinse, M. Hundertmark, D. Juncher, N. Kains, A. Popovas, M. Rabus, S. Rahvar, J. Skottfelt, C. Snodgrass, R. Street, J. Surdej, Y. Tsapras, C. Vilela, X.-B. Wang and O. Wertz: Physical properties of the WASP-67 planetary system from multi-colour photometry. Astronomy and Astrophysics 568, id. A127, 9 pp., 2014 Mancini, L., J. Southworth, S. Ciceri, M. Dominik, T. Henning, U. G. Jørgensen, A. F. Lanza, M. Rabus, C. Snodgrass, C. Vilela, K. A. Alsubai, V. Bozza, D. M. Bramich, S. Calchi Novati, G. D'Ago, R. Figuera Jaimes, P. Galianni, S.-H. Gu, K. Harpsøe, T. Hinse, M. Hundertmark, D. Juncher, N. Kains, H. Korhonen, A. Popovas, S. Rahvar, J. Skottfelt, R. Street, J. Surdej, Y. Tsapras, X.-B. Wang and O. Wertz: Physical properties and transmission spectrum of the WASP-80 planetary system from multi-colour photometry. Astronomy and Astrophysics 562, id. A126, 9 pp., 2014 Mancini, L., J. Southworth, S. Ciceri, J. Tregloan-Reed, I. Crossfield, N. Nikolov, I. Bruni, R. Zambelli and T. Henning: Physical properties, star-spot activity, orbital obliquity and transmission spectrum of the Qatar-2 planetary system from multicolour photometry. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 443, 2391-2409, 2014 Manjavacas, E., M. Bonnefoy, J. E. Schlieder, F. Allard, P. Rojo, B. Goldman, G. Chauvin, D. Homeier, N. Lodieu and T. Henning: New constraints on the formation and settling of dust in the atmospheres of young M and L dwarfs. Astronomy and Astrophysics 564, id. A55, 21 pp., 2014 Marleau, G.-D. and A. Cumming: Constraining the initial entropy of directly detected exoplanets. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 437, 1378-1399, 2014 Maseda, M. V., A. van der Wel, H.-W. Rix, E. da Cunha, C. Pacifici, I. Momcheva, G. B. Brammer, S. E. Meidt, M. Franx, P. van Dokkum, M. Fumagalli, E. F. Bell, H. C. Ferguson, N. M. Förster-Schreiber, A. M. Koekemoer, D. C. Koo, B. F. Lundgren, D. Marchesini, E. J. Nelson, S. G. Patel, R. E. Skelton, A. N. Straughn, J. R. Trump and K. E. Whitaker: The Nature of Extreme Emission Line Galaxies at z = 1-2: Kinematics and Metallicities from Near-infrared Spectroscopy. The Astrophysical Journal 791, id. 17, 17 pp., 2014 Meidt, S. E., E. Schinnerer, G. van de Ven, D. Zaritsky, R. Peletier, J. H. Knapen, K. Sheth, M. Regan, M. Querejeta, J.-C. Muñoz-Mateos, T. Kim, J. L. Hinz, A. Gil de Paz, E. Athanassoula, A. Bosma, R. J. Buta, M. Cisternas, L. C. Ho, B. Holwerda, R. Skibba, E. Laurikainen, H. Salo, D. A. Gadotti, J. Laine, S. Erroz-Ferrer, S. Comerón, K. Menéndez-Delmestre, M. Seibert and T. Mizusawa: Reconstructing the Stellar Mass Distributions of Galaxies Using S4G IRAC 3.6 and 4.5 μm Images. II. The Conversion from Light to Mass. The Astrophysical Journal 788, id. 144, 12 pp., 2014 Merkel, P. M. and B. M. Schäfer: A theoretical estimate of intrinsic ellipticity bispectra induced by angular momenta alignments. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 445, 2918-2929, 2014 Muñoz, R. P., T. H. Puzia, A. Lançon, E. W. Peng, P. Côté, L. Ferrarese, J. P. Blakeslee, S. Mei, J.-C. Cuillandre, P. Hudelot, S. Courteau, P.-A. Duc, M. L. Balogh, A. Boselli, F. Bournaud, R. G. Carlberg, S. C. Chapman, P. Durrell, P. Eigenthaler, E. Emsellem, G. Gavazzi, S. Gwyn, M. Huertas-Company, O. Ilbert, A. Jordán, R. Läsker, R. Licitra, C. Liu, L. MacArthur, A. McConnachie, H. J. McCracken, Y. Mellier, C. Y. Peng, A. Raichoor, M. A. Taylor, J. L. Tonry, R. B. Tully and H. Zhang: The Next Generation Virgo Cluster Survey-Infrared (NGVS-IR). I. A New Near-Ultraviolet, Optical, and Near-Infrared Globular Cluster Selection Tool. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 210, id. 4, 23 pp. , 2014 Nordström, B., J. Andersen and T. Hansen: Origin and distribution of the lightest and heaviest elements in the primitive halo. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana 85, 236-239, 2014 Norris, M. A., S. Meidt, G. Van de Ven, E. Schinnerer, B. Groves and M. Querejeta: Being WISE. I. Validating Stellar Population Models and M sstarf/L Ratios at 3.4 and 4.6 μm. The Astrophysical Journal 797, id. 55, 9 pp., 2014 Penzo, C., A. V. Macciò, L. Casarini, G. S. Stinson and J. Wadsley: Dark MaGICC: the effect of dark energy on disc galaxy formation. Cosmology does matter. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 442, 176-186, 2014 Pradhan, A. C., D. K. Ojha, A. C. Robin, S. K. Ghosh and J. J. Vickers: A stellar population synthesis model for the study of ultraviolet star counts of the Galaxy. Astronomy and Astrophysics 565, id. A33, 13 pp., 2014 Preibisch, T., P. Zeidler, T. Ratzka, V. Roccatagliata and M. G. Petr-Gotzens: The VISTA Carina Nebula Survey . I. Introduction and source catalog. Astronomy and Astrophysics 572, 2014 Redlich, M., K. Bolejko, S. Meyer, G. F. Lewis and M. Bartelmann: Probing spatial homogeneity with LTB models: a detailed discussion. Astronomy and Astrophysics 570, id. A63, 17 pp., 2014 Sarli, E., S. Meyer, M. Meneghetti, S. Konrad, C. L. Majer and M. Bartelmann: Reconstructing the projected gravitational potential of galaxy clusters from galaxy kinematics. Astronomy and Astrophysics 570, id. A9, 9 pp., 2014 Sasaki, M., P. C. Clark, V. Springel, R. S. Klessen and S. C. O. Glover: Statistical properties of dark matter mini-haloes at z ≥ 15. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 442, 1942-1955, 2014 Schmalzl, M., R. Visser, C. Walsh, T. Albertsson, E. F. van Dishoeck, L. E. Kristensen and J. C. Mottram: Water in low-mass star-forming regions with Herschel. The link between water gas and ice in protostellar envelopes. Astronomy and Astrophysics 572, id. A81, 19 pp., 2014 Schönebeck, F., T. H. Puzia, A. Pasquali, E. K. Grebel, M. Kissler-Patig, H. Kuntschner, M. Lyubenova and S. Perina: The Panchromatic High-Resolution Spectroscopic Survey of Local Group Star Clusters. I. General data reduction procedures for the VLT/X-shooter UVB and VIS arm. Astronomy and Astrophysics 572, id. A13, 22 pp., 2014 Shetty, R., B. C. Kelly, N. Rahman, F. Bigiel, A. D. Bolatto, P. C. Clark, R. S. Klessen and L. K. Konstandin: Indications of a sub-linear and non-universal Kennicutt-Schmidt relationship. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 437, L61-L65, 2014 Skelton, R. E., K. E. Whitaker, I. G. Momcheva, G. B. Brammer, P. G. van Dokkum, I. Labbé, M. Franx, A. van der Wel, R. Bezanson, E. Da Cunha, M. Fumagalli, N. Förster Schreiber, M. Kriek, J. Leja, B. F. Lundgren, D. Magee, D. Marchesini, M. V. Maseda, E. J. Nelson, P. Oesch, C. Pacifici, S. G. Patel, S. Price, H.-W. Rix, T. Tal, D. A. Wake and S. Wuyts: 3D-HST WFC3-selected Photometric Catalogs in the Five CANDELS/3D-HST Fields: Photometry, Photometric Redshifts, and Stellar Masses. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 214, id. 24, 49 pp., 2014 Southworth, J., T. C. Hinse, M. Burgdorf, ..., T. Gerner, E. Giannini, ..., S. Ciceri, ..., F. Schönebeck,...(+coauthors): High-precision photometry sion photometry by telescope defocussing - VI. WASP-24, WASP-25 and WASP-26. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 444, 776-789, 2014 Stammler, S. M. and C. P. Dullemond: A critical analysis of shock models for chondrule formation. Icarus 242, 1-10, 2014 Stepanovs, D. and C. Fendt: Modeling MHD Accretion-Ejection—from the Launching Area to Propagation Scales. The Astrophysical Journal 793, id. 31, 22 pp., 2014 Stepanovs, D., C. Fendt and S. Sheikhnezami: Modeling MHD Accretion-Ejection: Episodic Ejections of Jets Triggered by a Mean-field Disk Dynamo. The Astrophysical Journal 796, id. 29, 14 pp., 2014 Szűcs, L., S. C. O. Glover and R. S. Klessen: The 12CO/13CO ratio in turbulent molecular clouds. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 445, 4055-4072, 2014 Tapia, T., M. C. Eliche-Moral, M. Querejeta, M. Balcells, A. César González-García, M. Prieto, J. A. L. Aguerri, J. Gallego, J. Zamorano, C. Rodríguez-Pérez and A. Borlaff: Evolution induced by dry minor mergers onto fast-rotator S0 galaxies. Astronomy and Astrophysics 565, id. A31, 19 pp., 2014 Thygesen, A. O., L. Sbordone, S. Andrievsky, S. Korotin, D. Yong, S. Zaggia, H.-G. Ludwig, R. Collet, M. Asplund, P. Ventura, F. D'Antona, J. Meléndez and A. D'Ercole: The chemical composition of red giants in 47 Tucanae. I. Fundamental parameters and chemical abundance patterns. Astronomy and Astrophysics 572, id. A108, 21 pp., 2014 Trump, J. R., G. Barro, S. Juneau, B. J. Weiner, B. Luo, G. B. Brammer, E. F. Bell, W. N. Brandt, A. Dekel, Y. Guo, P. F. Hopkins, D. C. Koo, D. D. Kocevski, D. H. McIntosh, I. Momcheva, S. M. Faber, H. C. Ferguson, N. A. Grogin, J. Kartaltepe, A. M. Koekemoer, J. Lotz, M. Maseda, M. Mozena, K. Nandra, D. J. Rosario and G. R. Zeimann: No More Active Galactic Nuclei in Clumpy Disks Than in Smooth Galaxies at z ~ 2 in CANDELS/3D-HST. The Astrophysical Journal 793, id. 101, 16 pp., 2014 Tsapras, Y., J.-Y. Choi, R. A. Street, ..., E. Giannini, ..., (+coauthors): A Super-Jupiter Orbiting a Late-type Star: A Refined Analysis of Microlensing Event OGLE-2012-BLG-0406. The Astrophysical Journal 782, id. 48, 9 pp., 2014 van der Wel, A., Y.-Y. Chang, E. F. Bell, B. P. Holden, H. C. Ferguson, M. Giavalisco, H.-W. Rix, R. Skelton, K. Whitaker, I. Momcheva, G. Brammer, S. A. Kassin, M. Martig, A. Dekel, D. Ceverino, D. C. Koo, M. Mozena, P. G. van Dokkum, M. Franx, S. M. Faber and J. Primack: Geometry of Star-forming Galaxies from SDSS, 3D-HST, and CANDELS. The Astrophysical Journal Letters 792, id. L6, 6 pp., 2014 van der Wel, A., M. Franx, P. G. van Dokkum, R. E. Skelton, I. G. Momcheva, K. E. Whitaker, G. B. Brammer, E. F. Bell, H.-W. Rix, S. Wuyts, H. C. Ferguson, B. P. Holden, G. Barro, A. M. Koekemoer, Y.-Y. Chang, E. J. McGrath, B. Häussler, A. Dekel, P. Behroozi, M. Fumagalli, J. Leja, B. F. Lundgren, M. V. Maseda, E. J. Nelson, D. A. Wake, S. G. Patel, I. Labbé, S. M. Faber, N. A. Grogin and D. D. Kocevski: 3D-HST+CANDELS: The Evolution of the Galaxy Size-Mass Distribution since z = 3. The Astrophysical Journal 788, id. 28, 19 pp., 2014 Villforth, C., F. Hamann, D. J. Rosario, P. Santini, E. J. McGrath, A. van der Wel, Y. Y. Chang, Y. Guo, T. Dahlen, E. F. Bell, C. J. Conselice, D. Croton, A. Dekel, S. M. Faber, N. Grogin, T. Hamilton, P. F. Hopkins, S. Juneau, J. Kartaltepe, D. Kocevski, A. Koekemoer, D. C. Koo, J. Lotz, D. McIntosh, M. Mozena, R. Somerville and V. Wild: Morphologies of z ˜ 0.7 AGN host galaxies in CANDELS: no trend of merger incidence with AGN luminosity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 439, 3342-3356, 2014 Walcher, C. J., L. Wisotzki, S. Bekeraité, B. Husemann, ..., V. Kalinova, ..., (+coauthors): CALIFA: a diameter-selected sample for an integral field spectroscopy galaxy survey. Astronomy and Astrophysics 569, id. A1, 18 pp., 2014 Wu, S.-W., A. Bik, T. Henning, A. Pasquali, W. Brandner and A. Stolte: The discovery of a very massive star in W49. Astronomy and Astrophysics 568, id. L13 (4 pp), 2014 Yurin, D. and V. Springel: An iterative method for the construction of N-body galaxy models in collisionless equilibrium. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 444, 62-79, 2014 Zhou, G., D. Bayliss, J. D. Hartman, G. Á. Bakos, K. Penev, Z. Csubry, T. G. Tan, A. Jordán, L. Mancini, M. Rabus, R. Brahm, N. Espinoza, M. Mohler-Fischer, S. Ciceri, V. Suc, B. Csák, T. Henning and B. Schmidt: The mass-radius relationship for very low mass stars: four new discoveries from the HATSouth Survey. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 437, 2831-2844, 2014 Zhou, G., D. Bayliss, K. Penev, G. Á. Bakos, J. D. Hartman, A. Jordán, L. Mancini, M. Mohler, Z. Csubry, S. Ciceri, R. Brahm, M. Rabus, L. Buchhave, T. Henning, V. Suc, N. Espinoza, B. Béky, R. W. Noyes, B. Schmidt, R. P. Butler, S. Shectman, I. Thompson, J. Crane, B. Sato, B. Csák, J. Lázár, I. Papp, P. Sári and N. Nikolov: HATS-5b: A Transiting Hot Saturn from the HATSouth Survey. The Astronomical Journal 147, id. 144, 9 pp., 2014 2013 Agius, N. K., Sansom, A. E., Popescu, C. C., Andrae, E.,... (+33 coauthors), 2013, MNRAS, 431, 1929, Bergfors, C., Brandner, W., Daemgen, S.,..., Kudryavtseva, N.,... (+6 coauthors), 2013, MNRAS, 428, 182, Beuther, H., Linz, H., Tackenberg, J., ..., Bihr, S.,... (+8 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 553, 115, Chang, Y.-Y., van der Wel, A., Rix, H.-W.,... (+4 coauthors), 2013, ApJ, 762, 83, Colombo, D., Schinnerer, E., Hughes, A, ... (+9 coauthors), 2013, AAS, 22134916, Contreras, Y., Schuller, F., Urquhart, J. S.,..., Tackenberg J., ... (+11 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 549, 45, Covino, E., Esposito, M., Barbieri, M., ..., Ciceri, S., ... (+67 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 554, 28, Doǧan, G., Metcalfe, T. S., Deheuvels, S.,..., Thygesen, A. O, ... (+26 coauthors) 2013, ApJ, 763, 49, Domainko, W., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., Feng, F., 2013, MNRAS, 432, 258,, Dopcke, G., Glover, S. C. O., Clark, P. C., Klessen, R., 2013, ApJ, 766, 103, Feng, F., Bailer-Jones, C. A. L., 2013, ApJ, 768, 152, Fortier, A., Alibert, Y., Carron, F., Benz, W., Dittkrist, K.-M., 2013, A&A, 549, 44, Giahi, A., Schäfer, B. M., 2013, MNRAS, 428, 1312, Dittrich, K., Klahr, H., Johansen, A., 2013, ApJ, 763, 117, Gould, A., Yee, J. C., Bond, I. A., ..., Gerner, T., ..., Proft, S., ..., Schoenebeck, F., ... (+120 coauthors), 2013, ApJ, 763, 141, Grootes, M. W., Tuffs, R. J., Popescu, C. C,...Andrae, E., ... (+31 coauthors), 2013, ApJ, 766, 59, Harpsøe, K. B. W., Hardis, S., Hinse, T. C., Gerner, T., ..., Proft, S., ..., Schoenebeck, F., ... (+36 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 549, 10, HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ...Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+200 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 554, 107, HESS Collaboration, ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Edwards, T., ..., Jankowsky, F., ..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Mohamed, M., ..., Poon, H., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+201 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 554, 72, HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C., ..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+198 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 552, 118, HESS Collaboration, ..., Bochow, A., ...,Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+201 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 551, 94, HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+198 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 551, 26, HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+198 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 551, 26, HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+190 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 550, 4, Hopkins, A. M., Driver, S. P., Brough, S.,..., Andrae, E., Meiert, G.,,... (+77 coauthors), 2013, MNRAS, 430, 2047 Husemann, B., Jahnke, K., Sánchez, S. F., ..., Kalinova, V. ,..., Singh, R., ... (+72 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 549, 87, Kalinova, V., van de Ven, G., Lyubenova, M., Falcon-Barroso, J., van den Bosch, R., 2013, AAS, 22124105, Kacharov, N., Koch, A., McWilliam, A., 2013, AAS, 554, 81, Khramtsova, M. S., Wiebe, D. S., Boley, P. A., Pavlyuchenkov, Ya. N., 2013, MNRAS 431, 2006, Konrad, S., Majer, C. L., Meyer, S., Sarli, E., Bartelmann, M., 2013, A&A, 553, 118, Launhardt R., Stutz A., Schmiedeke A., ..., Tackenberg J., Lippok, N.,... (+17 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 551, 98, Liao, Y.-W., Lin, K.-Y., Huang, Y.-D.,...Chang, Y.-Y., ... (+18 coauthors), 2013, ApJ, 769, 71, Lisker, T., Weinmann, S. M., Janz, J., Meyer, H. T., 2013, MNRAS tmp, 1178, Lundgren, B., Brammer, G., Van Dokkum, P. G.,...., Schmidt, K. B., ... (+1 coauthors), 2013, AAS, 22114739, Meidt, S., Schinnerer, E., Hughes, A., ..., Colombo, D., ... (+8 coauthors), 2013, AAS, 22134917, Maciejewski, G., Dimitrov, D., Seeliger, M., ..., Ciceri, S., ... (+37 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 551, 108, Mancini, L., Nikolov, N., Southworth, J., ..., Ciceri, S., ... (+5 coauthors), 2013, MNRAS, 430, 293, Mancini, L., Southworth, J., Ciceri, S., ... (+10 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 551, 11, Merkel, P. M., Schäfer, B. M., 2013, MNRAS 431, 2433, Merkel, P. M., Schäfer, B. M., 2013, MNRAS 429, 444, Micic, M., Glover, S. C. O., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R. S., 2013, MNRAS tmp, 1088, Murphy, S. J., Pigulski, A., Kurtz, D. W, ..., Thygesen, A. O.., ... (+12 coauthors), 2013, MNRAS, 432, 2284, Nelson, E. J., van Dokkum, P. G., Momcheva, I., .., Schmidt, K. B., ... (+15 coauthors), 2013, ApJ, 763, 16, Pang, X., Grebel, E. K., Allison, R. J.,... (+5 coauthors), 2013, ApJ, 764, 73, Pardy, Stephen; Leroy, A. K.; Schinnerer, E, ..., Colombo, D., ... (+2 coauthors), 2013, AAS, 22114620, Penev, K., Bakos, G. Á., Bayliss, D., Jordán, A., Mohler, M., ... (+23 coauthors), 2013, AJ, 145, 5, Pitann, J., Linz, H., Ragan, S.,..., Tackenberg J.,... (+8 coauthors), 2013, ApJ, 766, 68, Rapoport, S., Onken, C. A., Wyithe, J. S. B., Schmidt, B. P., Thygesen, A. O, 2013, ApJ, 766, 23, Ricci, D., Elyiv, A., Finet, F., ..., Gerner, T., ..., Proft, S., ..., Schoenebeck, F., ... (+40 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 551, 104, Robotham, A. S. G., Liske, J., Driver, S. P., ...Meiert, G.,,... (+17 coauthors), 2013, MNRAS, 431, 167, Romeo Velonà, A. D., Sommer-Larsen, J., Napolitano, N. R., ...Cielo, S.,,... (+3 coauthors), 2013, ApJ, 770, 155, Sahlmann, J., Henning, Th., Queloz, D., ...Mohler M.,... (+17 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 551, 52, Sandstrom, K., Kapala, M., Croxall, K. V., ... (+10 coauthors), 2013, AAS, 22134936, Schinnerer, E., Meidt, S. E., Pety, J, ..., Colombo, D., ... (+9 coauthors), 2013, AAS, 22134915, Schmidt, K. B., Rix, H.-W., da Cunha, E., ..., Maseda, M., .. (+14 coauthors), 2013, MNRAS tmp, 1114, Skottfelt, J., Bramich, D. M., Figuera Jaimes, R., ..., Giannini, E., .. (+32 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 553, 111, Street, R. A., Choi, J.-Y., Tsapras, Y., ..., Gerner, T., ..., Proft, S., ..., Schoenebeck, F., ... (+133 coauthors), 2013, ApJ, 763, 67, Tackenberg, J., Beuther, H., Plume, R., ... (+5 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 550, 116, van der Laan, T. P. R., Schinnerer, E., Emsellem, E,; Hunt, L. K., McDermid, R. M., Liu, G., 2013, A&A, 551, 81, Yee, J. C., Hung, L.-W., Bond, I. A, ..., Gerner, T., ..., Proft, S., ..., Schoenebeck, F., ... (+127 coauthors), 2013, ApJ, 769, 77, Zhang, M., Brandner, W., ..., Gennaro, M., ... (+6 coauthors), 2013, A&A, 553, 41,
2012 Abbas, M., Grebel, E. K., Duffau, S., 2012, AAS, 21943313, Abramowski, A., Acero, F., Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A. G.,.., Bochow A.,..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,…, Lu C.-C.,..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer S., ... (+182 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 548, 38, Abramowski, A., Acero, F., Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A. G.,.., Bochow A.,..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,…, Lu C.-C.,..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer S., ... (+190 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 757, 158, Abramowski, A., Acero, F., Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A. G.,.., Bochow A.,..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,…, Lu C.-C.,..., Schwemmer S., ... (+191 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 750, 123, Abramowski, A., Acero, F., Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A. G.,.., Bochow A.,..., Cologna, G., ..., Lu C.-C.,..., Schwemmer S., ... (+440 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 746, 151, Abramowski, A., Acero, F., Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A. G.,.., Bochow A.,..., Cologna, G., ..., Lu C.-C.,..., Schwemmer S., ... (+194 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 537, 114, Arrigoni Battaia, F., Gavazzi, G., Fumagalli, M., ... (+15 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 543, 112, Bachelet, E., Shin, I.-G., Han, C., ..., Gerner, T., ..., Proft, S., ...., Schoenebeck, F., ... (+142 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 754, 73, Beirão, P., Armus, L., Helou, G., ..., van der Laan, T., ... (+38 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 751, 144, Beuther, H., Tackenberg, J., Linz, H.,... (+10 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 538, 11, Bik, A., Henning, Th., Stolte, A.,..., Gennaro, M.,...,Kudryavtseva, N.,... (+8 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 744, 87, Boley, P. A., Linz, H., van Boekel, R., Bouwman, J., Henning, Th., Sobolev, A. M., 2012, A&A, 547, 88, Brammer, G. B., Sánchez-Janssen, R., Labbé, I., ...Schmidt, K. B.,... (+16 coauthors),, 2012, ApJ, 758, 17, Choi, J.-Y., Shin, I.-G., Park, S.-Y., Han, C., ..., Gerner, T., ..., Proft, E., ..., Schoenebeck, F., ... (+151 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 751, 41, Correnti, M., Paresce, F., Aversa, R., ..., Pang, X., ... (+6 coauthors), AP &SS, 340, 263, Driver, S. P., Robotham, A. S. G, Kelvin L. S., ...,Andrae, E., ... (+39 coauthors), 2012, MNRAS 427, 3244, Elvis, M., Hao, H., Civano, F., ..., Cisternas M.,... (+38 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 759, 6, Fiestas, J., Porth, O., Berczik, P., Spurzem, R., 2012, MNRAS, 419, 57, Fumagalli, M., Patel, S. G., Franx, M., ...., Schmidt, K. B., ... (+11 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 757,22, Gennaro, M.; Prada Moroni, P. G., Tognelli, E., 2012, MNRAS 420, 986, Gennaro, M., Bik, A., Brandner, W., ..., Tackenberg, J., Kudryavtseva, N., ...(+18 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 542, 74, Girichidis, P., Federrath, C., Allison, R., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R. S., 2012, MNRAS, 420, 3264, Girichidis, P., Federrath, C., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R. S., 2012, MNRAS, 413, 2741, Golubov, O., Krugly, Y. N., 2012, ApJ, 752, 11, Gouliermis, D.A., Schmeja, S., Dolphin, A.E., Gennaro, M., Tognelli, E., Prada Moroni, P.G. 2012, ApJ, 748, 64, Groves, B., Krause, O., Sandstrom, K., ...., Kapala, M., ... (+8 coauthors), 2012, MNRAS, 426, 892, Hußmann, B., Stolte, A., Brandner, W., Gennaro, M., Liermann, A., 2012, A&A, 540, 57, Haschke, R., Grebel, E, Duffau, S., Jin, S., 2012, AJ, 144, 107, Haschke, R., Grebel, E, Duffau, S., 2012, AJ, 144, 106, Haschke, R., Grebel, E, Frebel, A., Duffau, S., Hansen, C. J., Koch, A., 2012, AJ, 144, 88, Haschke, R., Grebel, E, Duffau, S., Jin, S., 2012, AJ, 143, 48, Henke, S., Gail, H.-P., Trieloff, M., Schwarz, W.H., Kleine T., 2012, A&A, 545, 135, Henke, S., Gail, H.-P., Trieloff, M., Schwarz, W.H., Kleine T., 2012, A&A, 537, 45, HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+195 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 548, 46, HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+187 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 545, 103, HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+185 coauthors), 2012, MNRAS, 424, 128, HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+184 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 542, 94, HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+187 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 541, 5, HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+205 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 539, 149, HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+197 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 538, 103, Joergens, V., Kopytova, T., Pohl, A., 2012, A&A, 548, 124, Just, A., Yurin, D., Makukov, M., ... (+4 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 758, 51, Konstandin, L., Girichidis, P., Federrath, C., Klessen, R. S, 2012, ApJ, 761, 149, Janson, M., Hormuth, F., Bergfors, C.,..., Kudryavtseva, N.,... (+11 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 754, 44, Kannan, R., Macciò, A. V., Pasquali, A., Moster, B. P., Walter, F., 2012, ApJ, 746, 10, Khan, F. M., Berentzen, I., Berczik, P., Just, A., Mayer, L., Nitadori, K., Callegari, S., 2012, ApJ, 756, 30, Khan, F. M., Preto, M., Berczik, P., Berentzen, I., Just, A., Spurzem, R., 2012, ApJ, 749, 147, Konstandin, L., Girichidis, P., Federrath, C., Klessen, R. S., 2012, ApJ, 761, 149, Kudryavtseva, N., Brandner, W., Gennaro, M., ... (+20 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 750, 44, Lefa, E., Kelner, S. R., Aharonian, F. A., 2012, ApJ, 753, 176, Ludwig, J.,Pasquali, A., Grebel, E.K., Gallagher, J.S., III, 2012, AJ 144, 190, Lundgren, B. F., Brammer, G., van Dokkum, P. ....Schmidt, K. B., ... (+17 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 760, 49, Meidt, S., Schinnerer, E., Garcia-Burillo, S., ..., Colombo, D., ... (+8 coauthors), 2012, AAS, 21934616, Micic, M., Glover, S. C. O., Federrath, C., Klessen, R. S., 2012, MNRAS, 421, 253, Molina, F. Z., Glover, S. C. O., Federrath, C., Klessen, R. S., 2012, MNRAS, 423, 2680, Mordasini, C., Alibert, Y., Georgy, C., Dittkrist, K.-M., Klahr, H., Henning, T, 2012, A&A, 547, 112, Morganson, E., de Rosa, G., Decarli, R., .... (+7 coauthors), 2012, AJ, 143, 142, Nelson, E. J., van Dokkum, P. G., Brammer, G., ..., Schmidt, K. B.,... (+12 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 747, 28, Nielbock, M.; Launhardt, R.; Steinacker, J., ..., Lippok, N.,... (+12 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 547, 11, Pang, X., Grebel, E. K., Pasquali, A., Altmann, M., Allison, R., 2012, AAA, 2191512, Pinilla, P., Birnstiel, T., Ricci, L., Dullemond, C. P., Uribe, A. L., Testi, L., Natta, A., 2012, A&A, 538, 114, Prada Moroni, P. G., Gennaro, M., Bono, G., ... 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2011 Abramowski, A., Acero, F., Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A. G.,…, Behera B.,...,Bochow A.,..., Deil, C.,…, Lu C.-C.,..., Pedaletti G.,..., Schwemmer S., ... (182 coauthors), 2011, ApJ 735, 12, Andrae, R., Jahnke, K., Melchior, P., 2011, MNRAS, 411, 385, Andrae, R., Jahnke, K., Melchior, P., 2011, MNRAS, 411, 385, Andrae, R., Jahnke, K., 2011, MNRAS, 418, 2014, Andrae, R., Melchior, P.; Jahnke, K., 2011, MNRAS, 417, 2465, Beltrán, M. T., Cesaroni, R., Zhang, Q.,..., Fallscheer, C.,... (+4 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 532, 91, Bergfors, C., Brandner, W., Janson, M., Köhler, R., Henning, Th., 2011, A&A, 528, 134, Brasseur, C.M., Martin, N.F., Rix, H.-W., ... (+4 coauthors), 2011, ApJ, 729, 23, Capak, P.L., Riechers, D., Scoville, N.Z.,...,Karim, A., ... (+13 coauthors), 2011, Nature 470, 233, Cisternas, M., Jahnke, K., Bongiorno, ... (+15 coauthors) 2011, ApJ, 741, 11, Cisternas, M., Jahnke, K., Inskip, K.J.,..., Robaina, A.R.,...Andrae, R., ... (+19 coauthors), 2011, ApJ, 726, 57, De Rosa, G., Decarli, R., Walter, F., Fan, X., Jiang, L., Kurk, J., Pasquali, A., Rix, H. W., 2011, A&A, 739, 56 Driver, S. P., Hill, D. T., Kelvin L. S., ..., Andrae, E., ..., Grootes, M. W., ... (+50 coauthors), 2011, MNRAS, 413, 971, Dopcke, G., Glover, S. C. O., Clark, P. C., Klessen, R. S., 2011, ApJ, 729, 3, Dwek, E. Staguhn, J. G., Arendt, R. G., ..., Karim, A., ... (+9 coauthors), 2011, ApJ, 738, 36 Fallscheer, C., Beuther, H., Sauter, J., Wolf, S., Zhang, Q., 2011, ApJ, 729, 66, Federrath, C., Sur, S., Schleicher, D.R.G., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R., 2011, ApJ, 731, 62, Foyle, K., Rix, H.-W., Dobbs, C. L., Leroy, A. K., Walter, F.h., 2011, ApJ, 735, 101, Gouliermis, D. A., Dolphin, A. E., Robberto, M., ..., Gennaro, M., Da Rio, N., ... (+9 coauthors), 2011, ApJ, 738, 137, Galván-Madrid, R., Peters, Th., Keto, E. R., Mac Low, M.-M., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R.S., 2011, MNRAS tmp, 1081, Gennaro, M., Brandner, W., Stolte, A., Henning, Th., 2011, MNRAS tmp, 162, Girichidis, P., Federrath, C., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R., 2011, MNRAS, 413, 2741, Hascke, R., Grebel, E. K., Duffau, S., 2011, AJ 141, 158, HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., et al., (194 coauthors), 2011, A&A 528, 143, HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., ... (+195 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 529, 49 HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., ... (+190 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 531, 81, HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., ... (+190 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 531, 18, HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., ... (+192 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 533,103, HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., ... (+343 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 533,110, HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., ... (+196 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 525, 46, HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...,Deil, C.,... Schwemmer, S., ..., ... (+166 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 525, 45, Hill, David T., Kelvin, Lee S., Driver, Simon P, ...,Andrae, E., ... (+32 coauthors), 2011, MNRAS, 412, 765, Ice Cube Collaboration, ..., Sestayo.Y.,..., Schulz, O., ... (+258 coauthors), 2010, ApJ, 527, 28, Just, A., Khan, F. M., Berczik, P., Ernst, A., Spurzem, R., 2011, MNRAS, 411, 653, Kainulainen, J., Beuther, H., Banerjee, R., Federrath, C., Henning, T., 2011, A&A, 530, 64, Karim, A., Schinnerer, E., Martinez-Sansigre, ..l. 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K., 2011, AJ, 142, 132, Paudel, S., Lisker, Th., Kuntschner, H., 2011, MNRAS tmp, 255, Peters, Th., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R.S., Mac Low, M.-M., 2011, ApJ, 729, 72, Porth, O., Fendt, Ch., Meliani, Z., Vaidya, B., 2011, ApJ, 737, 42, Price, D. J., Federrath, C., Brunt, C. M., 2011, ApJ, 727, 21, Proft, S., Demleitner, M., Wambsganss, J., 2011, A&A, 536, 50, Prosekin, A., Kelner, S. R., Aharonian, F. A., 2011, A&A, 536, 30, Ricci, D., Poels, J., Elyiv, A., ..., Anguita, T., ...,Zub, M., et al., (+31 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 528, 42, Rochau, B., Brandner, W., Stolte, A., Da Rio, N., Gennaro, M., ... (+4 coauthors), 2011 MNRAS, 418, 494, Roccatagliata, V., Bouwman, J., Henning, Th., Gennaro, M.,... (+4 coauthors), 2011, ApJ, 733, 113, Ruhland, C., Bell, E. F., Rix, H.-W., Xue, X.-X., 2011, ApJ, 731, 119, Seifried, D., Schmidt, W., Niemeyer, J. C. 2011, A&A, 526, 14, Schinnerer, E., Leroy, A., Pety, J, ..., Colombo, D., ... (+11 coauthors), 2011, AAS, 21724611, Schmidt, W., Federrath. 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2007 Adelman-McCarthy, J.K.; Ageros, M.A., ... Smolcic, V.,, ... (+148 coauthors), 2007, ApJS, 172, 634
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van den Bosch, F.C., Yang, X., Mo, H.J., ..., More, S., Cacciato, M., .. (+4 coauthors), 2007, MNRAS, 376, 841, Towards a concordant model of halo occupation statistics, -> ADS link
Younger, J.D., Fazio, G.G., Huang, J.-S., ... Smolcic, V., ... (+21 coauthors), 2007, ApJ, 671, 1531 Evidence for a Population of High-Redshift Submillimeter Galaxies from Interferometric Imaging -> ADS link
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