Certificate for the IMPRS curriculum

After a successful PhD examination, the IMPRS-HD will issue an IMPRS certificate, which will be received in addition to the PhD certificate granted by Heidelberg University.

The IMPRS certificiate states that the student has successfully followed the IMPRS curriculum, and lists theo thesis committee. It also specifies the lectures attended in Heidelberg and the conferences / schools a student has attended. It lists also astronomy-related courses attended at other places before. For comparison, here is an example certificate.

Please tell us asap after your final exam whether you want a certificate. Please, send us your input data (see example) must to be sent (imprs-hd@mpia.de).

We will in principle trust the information provided, but we will also x-check randomly. Note that when you register for PhD examination in Heidelberg, you (and your supervisor) have to sign a listing of attended lectures, which could then be forwarded to us for the IMPRS certificate.

The HGSFP supplies a similar certificate, once adapted from the IMPRS certificate, but that is not the IMPRS certificate.

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