Aims & Goals of IMPRS-HD

The International Max Planck Research School for Astronomy & Cosmic Physics at the University of Heidelberg (IMPRS-HD) is a graduate School offering a doctoral program in Astrophysics.

IMPRS-HD is open for students from all countries world wide. We offer several 3-4-year fellowships available for international and national students. We invite highly-qualified and well-motivated students who aim for a graduate degree in Physics or Astronomy to apply. Our goal is to provide international students with a unique scientific environment and excellent research and training facilities to prepare for a successful career in astronomy, astrophysics, and space science, but also for industry or business.The scientific environment in Heidelberg provides research facilities and training programs covering a wide range of research topics. There is access to ground-based and space telescopes as well as high-performance computers.

IMPRS-HD has established a comprehensive astrophysics course program in English language on a 3 year schedule. In addition, leading scientist will be invited for our yearly summer schools. The lecturing program is accompanied by an advanced IMPRS student seminar on modern research problems in astronomy and astrophysics. During yearly workshop retreats IMPRS students working on different topics meet do discuss interdisciplinary scientific problems and exchange ideas and experience. Last not least, with a vivid social program and support in problems of daily life we hope to make your stay in Heidelberg pleasant and an unforgettable experience.

The doctoral degree (Dr.rer.nat.) will be awarded by the University of Heidelberg, according to her standard rules, after acceptance of the doctoral thesis and a successful defense. The successful participation in the demanding program of the IMPRS school will be awarded with an IMPRS certificate supplementing the doctoral degree.

The PhD research work and the curriculum is supervised by a standing thesis committee. The idea is to provide supervision of the PhD project as a whole, meaning to supervise the progress of the PhD project itself but also the scientific development of the PhD student in general.

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