Teaching obligation for doctoral students

The Department of Physics and Astronomy of Heidelberg university requires all PhD students to take part in teaching, performing at least two teaching units during the course of the doctoral studies.

This number has changed from one unit to two units in 2017. PhD students who have registered earlier, only need to teach one unit. When you register as a PhD student you will have to sign (Selbstverpflichtung) that you will help with teaching (see their form, 3rd bullet).
Additional teaching requirements may be requested by the institute of the PhD student or the department.  So, the teaching load could be different, depending on the home institute of the PhD student.

Please, plan your teaching activity well in advance.

A proof of this activity is required in order to register successfully for the final examination.

One teaching unit refers to 2 SWS, meaning 2 hours / week in front of students for one semester. Note that the actual work load can be much more, including e.g. corrections of home work, attending the tutors' meeting, or preparing the exercise course.

Teaching opportunities

In the following we present a short list of teaching opportunities, for a full overview and even registration see the webpage prepared by the ZAH.

(1) Advanced Lab course (Fortgeschrittenen Praktikum), FP of the physics undergrad program. The teaching load is six experiments of two full days each.
There are two lab experiments, see the  department webpage. The advantage is that scheduling of the six lab experiments to be supervised is flexible, so ideal for busy students. The location is within the MPIA facilities.

    - FP30: Stellar CCD photometry (contact Dr. Joerg-Uwe Pott, jpott@mpia.de): This course usually includes access to the 70cm telescope. Astronomy background is preferred, actual knowledge of observational astronomy is not really necessary, since there is ample documentation available.

   - FP36: Wave front sensing (contact Dr. Stefan Hippler, hippler@mpia.de): This course takes place at the MPIA (2nd floor). Have a look to the lab course webpage

 (2) The astro lab course at the observatory, the Astronomisches Praktikum. Please, contact the coordinator Prof. Jochen Heidt, jheidt@lsw.uni-heidelberg.de

 (3) If you prefer to tutor exercises of astronomy courses, contact the lecturer of the course direcltly. A list of all course can be found in the university information system LSF (do not forget to re-load the page for English and for the current semester term).

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