How to apply?

We encourage an early preparation of the application which will avoid a late arrival after the deadline (that cannot be accepted).

The deadline for next term (fall 2025) applications was November 1, 2024, at 23:59 CET.

On-site interviews will be held during Feb 10-14, 2025 in Heidelberg. Skype/phone interviews may taken place earlier. Invitations to interviews may happen till May 2024.

Applications must have arrived by November 1, 2024 at 23:59 CET (including all material and reference letters).

Before uploading your application material to the general Max Planck online application system, you first have to register online at our IMPRS-HD application webpage by filling out the online application form.    (Note that we currently experience some server issues, and loading the page may take some tens of seconds).

After that, by email you will receive a pdf file of your application form that you then must upload with all your other material (see procedure described below).

A complete application must include the following items:

  • A complete application form, including a list of all courses stating the credits, and grades/marks if no transcripts can be provided. You may also attach a pdf of a course list or the transcripts.
  • Copies of academic certificates including those of the MSc and/or the BSc degree etc. We also need copies of translations of the certificates. For university admission later on  - not for the IMPRS application already - also the school leaving exam certificate is needed and all certificates in original form. Note that applicants usually do not have a MSc degree yet, so in this case the BSc and the transcripts are sufficient.
  • Copies of transcripts and translations.
  • If already available: A copy of the MSc and/or BSc thesis (with an English abstract if the thesis is not written in English), or published papers. Most applicants will not have a thesis ready at the time of the deadline.

Further, two letters of recommendation should be organized (to be uploaded by the same deadline).

Be sure that all the information you provide to (1) the online registration and (2) the one you upload is identical. If not, the application may be considered as incomplete.

Incomplete applications cannot be accepted.


How to proceed:

1) Fill out our IMPRS online registration form (activated again summer 2024) and receive the pdf sent to you by us by email. You may repeat this procedure if you wish (you then receive an updated pdf of the form).

2) Register at the Max Planck online application server to get a registration number (activated again from August 2024).

3) Concatenate the (i) IMPRS application form, scans of (ii) certificates, the (iii) transcripts, the (iv) thesis abstract, and (v) other short material into ONE pdf file and upload that to the Max Planck online application server  under your registration number. In addition, also upload your MSc thesis and/or your BSc thesis as separate pdf files. Please, name all files after your last name, e.g. Fendt_applicationform.pdf, Fendt_Msc.pdf, etc.

4) Reference letters must be submitted by your referees to the same Max Planck online application system, and must state your registration number. The online system will inform applicants when a reference letter is received. Tell your referees to submit the letter by the same deadline.

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