Publications of IMPRS-HD students 2011

Here we present a list of selected scientific publications authored by our IMPRS students.
Only (i) refereed publications of results in which (ii) the student was involved during her/his time as IMPRS member are considered. IMPRS student authors are denoted in bold.

This list is not intended as track record of single students, but as signature of ongoing scientific research by IMPRS students (last update June 2013).

Abramowski, A., Acero, F., Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A. G.,…, Behera B.,...,Bochow A.,..., Deil, C.,…, Lu C.-C.,..., Pedaletti G.,..., Schwemmer S., ... (182 coauthors), 2011, ApJ 735, 12,
H.E.S.S. Observations of the Globular Clusters NGC 6388 and M15 and Search for a Dark Matter Signal -> ADS link

Andrae, R., Jahnke, K., Melchior, P., 2011, MNRAS, 411, 385,
Parametrizing arbitrary galaxy morphologies: potentials and pitfalls -> ADS link

Andrae, R., Jahnke, K., Melchior, P., 2011, MNRAS, 411, 385,
Parametrizing arbitrary galaxy morphologies: potentials and pitfalls -> ADS link

Andrae, R., Jahnke, K., 2011, MNRAS, 418, 2014,
Only marginal alignment of disc galaxies -> ADS link

Andrae, R., Melchior, P.; Jahnke, K., 2011, MNRAS, 417, 2465,
Quantifying galaxy shapes: sérsiclets and beyond - -> ADS link

Beltrán, M. T., Cesaroni, R., Zhang, Q.,..., Fallscheer, C.,... (+4 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 532, 91,
Molecular outflows and hot molecular cores in at sub-arcsecond angular resolution -> ADS link

Bergfors, C., Brandner, W., Janson, M., Köhler, R., Henning, Th., 2011, A&A, 528, 134,
VLT/NACO astrometry of the HR 8799 planetary system. L'-band observations of the three outer planets -> ADS link

Brasseur, C.M., Martin, N.F., Rix, H.-W., ... (+4 coauthors), 2011, ApJ, 729, 23,
A Deep Photometric Look at Two of Andromeda's Dwarf Spheroidals: X and XVII -> ADS link

Capak, P.L., Riechers, D., Scoville, N.Z.,...,Karim, A., ... (+13 coauthors), 2011, Nature 470, 233,
A massive protocluster of galaxies at a redshift of z~5.3 -> ADS link

Cisternas, M., Jahnke, K., Bongiorno,  ... (+15 coauthors) 2011, ApJ, 741, 11,
Secular Evolution and a Non-evolving Black-hole-to-galaxy Mass Ratio in the Last 7 Gyr -> ADS link

Cisternas, M., Jahnke, K., Inskip, K.J.,..., Robaina, A.R.,...Andrae, R., ... (+19 coauthors), 2011, ApJ, 726, 57,
The Bulk of the Black Hole Growth Since z ~ 1 Occurs in a Secular Universe: No Major Merger-AGN Connection -> ADS link

De Rosa, G., Decarli, R., Walter, F., Fan, X., Jiang, L., Kurk, J., Pasquali, A., Rix, H. W., 2011, A&A, 739, 56
Evidence for Non-evolving Fe II/Mg II Ratios in Rapidly Accreting z ~ 6 QSOs -> ADS link

Driver, S. P., Hill, D. T., Kelvin L. S., ..., Andrae, E., ..., Grootes, M. W., ... (+50 coauthors), 2011, MNRAS, 413, 971,
Galaxy and Mass Assembly (GAMA): survey diagnostics and core data release -> ADS link

Dopcke, G., Glover, S. C. O., Clark, P. C., Klessen, R. S., 2011, ApJ, 729, 3,
The Effect of Dust Cooling on Low-metallicity Star-forming Clouds -> ADS link

Dwek, E. Staguhn, J. G., Arendt, R. G., ..., Karim, A., ... (+9 coauthors), 2011, ApJ, 738, 36
Star and Dust Formation Activities in AzTEC-3, a Starburst Galaxy at z = 5.3 -> ADS link

Fallscheer, C., Beuther, H., Sauter, J., Wolf, S., Zhang, Q., 2011, ApJ, 729, 66,
A High-mass Dusty Disk Candidate: The Case of IRAS 18151-1208 -> ADS link

Federrath, C., Sur, S., Schleicher, D.R.G., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R., 2011, ApJ, 731, 62,
A New Jeans Resolution Criterion for (M)HD Simulations of Self-gravitating Gas: Application to Magnetic Field Amplification by Gravity-driven Turbulence -> ADS link

Foyle, K., Rix, H.-W., Dobbs, C. L., Leroy, A. K., Walter, F.h., 2011, ApJ, 735, 101,
Observational Evidence Against Long-lived Spiral Arms in Galaxies -> ADS link

Gouliermis, D. A., Dolphin, A. E., Robberto, M., ..., Gennaro, M., Da Rio, N., ... (+9 coauthors), 2011, ApJ, 738, 137,
Pre-main-sequence Stellar Populations across Shapley Constellation III. I. Photometric Analysis and Identification -> ADS link

Galván-Madrid, R., Peters, Th., Keto, E. R., Mac Low, M.-M., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R.S., 2011, MNRAS tmp, 1081,
Time variability in simulated ultracompact and hypercompact H II regions -> ADS link

Gennaro, M., Brandner, W., Stolte, A., Henning, Th., 2011, MNRAS tmp, 162,
Mass segregation and elongation of the starburst cluster Westerlund 1 -> ADS link

Girichidis, P., Federrath, C., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R., 2011, MNRAS, 413, 2741,
Importance of the initial conditions for star formation - I. Cloud evolution and morphology -> ADS link

Hascke, R., Grebel, E. K., Duffau, S., 2011, AJ 141, 158,
New Optical Reddening Maps of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds -> ADS link

HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., et al., (194 coauthors), 2011, A&A 528, 143,
Detection of very-high-energy γ-ray emission from the vicinity of PSR B1706-44 and G 343.1-2.3 with H.E.S.S. -> ADS link

HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., ... (+195 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 529, 49
HESS J1943+213: a candidate extreme BL Lacertae object -> ADS link

HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., ... (+190 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 531, 81,
A new SNR with TeV shell-type morphology: HESS J1731-347 -> ADS link

HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., ... (+190 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 531, 18,
Very-high-energy gamma-ray emission from the direction of the Galactic globular cluster Terzan 5 -> ADS link

HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., ... (+192 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 533,103,
Discovery of the source HESS J1356-645 associated with the young and energetic PSR J1357-6429 -> ADS link

HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., ... (+343 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 533,110,
Simultaneous multi-wavelength campaign on PKS 2005-489 in a high state -> ADS link

HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S., ..., ... (+196 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 525, 46,
Revisiting the Westerlund 2 field with the HESS telescope array -> ADS link

HESS Collaboration, ..., Behera, B., ..., Bochow, A., ...,Deil, C.,... Schwemmer, S., ..., ... (+166 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 525, 45,
Discovery and follow-up studies of the extended, off-plane, VHE gamma-ray source HESS J1507-622 -> ADS link

Hill, David T., Kelvin, Lee S., Driver, Simon P, ...,Andrae, E., ... (+32 coauthors), 2011, MNRAS, 412, 765,
Galaxy and Mass Assembly: FUV, NUV, ugrizYJHK Petrosian, Kron and Sérsic photometry -> ADS link

Ice Cube Collaboration, ..., Sestayo.Y.,..., Schulz, O., ... (+258 coauthors), 2010, ApJ, 527, 28,
Constraints on high-energy neutrino emission from SN 2008D -> ADS link

Just, A., Khan, F. M., Berczik, P., Ernst, A., Spurzem, R., 2011, MNRAS, 411, 653,
Dynamical friction of massive objects in galactic centres -> ADS link

Kainulainen, J., Beuther, H., Banerjee, R., Federrath, C., Henning, T., 2011, A&A, 530, 64,
Probing the evolution of molecular cloud structure. II. From chaos to confinement -> ADS link

Karim, A., Schinnerer, E., Martinez-Sansigre, ..l. (+10 coauthors), 2011, ApJ 730, 61,
The Star Formation History of Mass-selected Galaxies in the COSMOS Field -> ADS link

Kirk, J.G., Mochol, I., 2011, ApJ, 729, 104,
Charge-starved, Relativistic Jets and Blazar Variability -> ADS link

Khan, F.M., Just, A., Merrit, D., 2011, ApJ, 732, 89,
Efficient Merger of Binary Supermassive Black Holes in Merging Galaxies -> ADS link

Kritsuk, A. G., Nordlund, Å., Collins, D., ..., Federrath, C., ... (+12 coauthors), 2011, ApJ, 737, 13,
Comparing Numerical Methods for Isothermal Magnetized Supersonic Turbulence -> ADS link

Kuiper, R., Klahr, H., Beuther, H., Henning, Th., 2011, ApJ, 732, 20,
Three-dimensional Simulation of Massive Star Formation in the Disk Accretion Scenario -> ADS link

Lefa, E., Aharonian, F. A., Rieger, F. M., 2011, ApJ, 743, 19,
"Leading Blob" Model in a Stochastic Acceleration Scenario: The Case of the 2009 Flare of Mkn 501 -> ADS link

Lefa, E., Rieger, F. M., Aharonian, F. A., 2011, ApJ, 740, 64,
Formation of Very Hard Gamma-Ray Spectra of Blazars in Leptonic Models-> ADS link

Leipski, C., Meisenheimer, K., Klaas, U., ..., de Rosa, G.;…, ... (+13 coauthors), 2011, A&A 518, 34,
Herschel-PACS far-infrared photometry of two z > 4 quasars -> ADS link

Lianou, S., Grebel, E. K., Koch, A., 2011, A&A, 521, 43,
Dwarf spheroidals in the M 81 group - Metallicity distribution functions and population gradients -> ADS link

Melchior, P., Viola, M., Schäfer, B. M., Bartelmann, M., 2011, MNRAS, 308,
Weak gravitational lensing with DEIMOS -> ADS link

Merkel, P., Schäfer, B. M., 2011, MNRAS, 411, 1067,
Gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background by non-linear structures-> ADS link

More, S., van den Bosch, F.C., Cacciato, M., Skibba, R., Mo, H. J., Yang, X., 2011, MNRAS, 410, 210,
Satellite kinematics - III. Halo masses of central galaxies in SDSS -> ADS link

Pang, X., Pasquali, A., Grebel, E. K., 2011, AJ, 142, 132,
A Two-dimensional Map of the Color Excess in NGC 3603-> ADS link

Paudel, S., Lisker, Th., Kuntschner, H., 2011, MNRAS tmp, 255,
Nuclei of early-type dwarf galaxies: insights from stellar populations -> ADS link

Peters, Th., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R.S., Mac Low, M.-M., 2011, ApJ, 729, 72,
The Interplay of Magnetic Fields, Fragmentation, and Ionization Feedback in High-mass Star Formation -> ADS link

Porth, O., Fendt, Ch., Meliani, Z., Vaidya, B., 2011, ApJ, 737, 42,
Synchrotron Radiation of Self-collimating Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Jets -> ADS link

Price, D. J., Federrath, C., Brunt, C. M., 2011, ApJ, 727, 21,
The Density Variance-Mach Number Relation in Supersonic, Isothermal Turbulence-> ADS link

Proft, S., Demleitner, M., Wambsganss, J., 2011, A&A, 536, 50,
Prediction of astrometric microlensing events during the Gaia mission -> ADS link

Prosekin, A., Kelner, S. R., Aharonian, F. A., 2011, A&A, 536, 30,
Non-variable cosmologically distant gamma-ray emitters as a propagation imprint of ultra-high-energy protons-> ADS link

Ricci, D., Poels, J., Elyiv, A., ..., Anguita, T., ...,Zub, M., et al., (+31 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 528, 42,
Flux and color variations of the quadruply imaged quasar HE 0435-1223 -> ADS link

Rochau, B., Brandner, W., Stolte, A., Da Rio, N., Gennaro, M., ... (+4 coauthors), 2011 MNRAS, 418, 494,
A benchmark for multiconjugated adaptive optics: VLT-MAD observations of the young massive cluster Trumpler 14 -> ADS link

Roccatagliata, V., Bouwman, J., Henning, Th., Gennaro, M.,... (+4 coauthors), 2011, ApJ, 733, 113,
Disk Evolution in OB Associations: Deep Spitzer/IRAC Observations of IC 1795 -> ADS link

Ruhland, C., Bell, E. F., Rix, H.-W., Xue, X.-X., 2011, ApJ, 731, 119,
The Structure of the Sagittarius Stellar Stream as Traced by Blue Horizontal Branch Stars -> ADS link

Seifried, D., Schmidt, W., Niemeyer, J. C. 2011, A&A, 526, 14,
Forced turbulence in thermally bistable gas: a parameter study -> ADS link

Schinnerer, E., Leroy, A., Pety, J, ..., Colombo, D., ... (+11 coauthors), 2011, AAS, 21724611,
The Molecular Gas in the Whirlpool Galaxy -> ADS link

Schmidt, W., Federrath. C., 2011, A&A 528, 106,
A fluid-dynamical subgrid scale model for highly compressible astrophysical turbulence -> ADS link

Schneider, N., Bontemps, S., Simon R.,..., Federrath, C., ... (+6 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 529, 1,
The link between molecular cloud structure and turbulence -> ADS link

Silverman, J. D., Kampczyk, P., Jahnke, K., Andrae, R., ... (+51 coauthors),  2011, ApJ, 743, 2,
The Impact of Galaxy Interactions on Active Galactic Nucleus Activity in zCOSMOS -> ADS link

Skibba, R.A., van den Bosch, F.C. Yang, X., More, S., Mo, H., Fontanot, F., 2011, MNRAS, 410, 417,
Are brightest halo galaxies central galaxies? -> ADS link

Sluse, D., Schmidt, R., Courbin F., ..., Anguita, T.,... (+5 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 528, 100,
Zooming into the broad line region of the gravitationally lensed quasar QSO 2237 + 0305 ≡ the Einstein Cross. III. Determination of the size and structure of the C iv and C iii] emitting regions using microlensing -> ADS link

Southworth, J., Dominik, M., Jørgensen, U. G.,..., Proft, S., Schoenebeck, F., ... (+28 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 527, 8,
A much lower density for the transiting extrasolar planet WASP-7-> target="pop"ADS link

Uribe, A. L., Klahr, H., Flock, M., Henning, Th., 2011, ApJ 736, 85,
Three-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Planet Migration in Turbulent Stratified Disks -> ADS link

van der Laan, T. P. R., Schinnerer, E., Boone, F., ... (+6 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 529, 45,
Molecular gas in NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA). XV. Molecular gas kinematics in the inner 3 kpc of NGC 6951 -> ADS link

Vasyunin, A. I., Wiebe, D. S., Birnstiel, T., Zhukovska, S., Henning, Th., Dullemond, C. P., 2011, ApJ, 727, 76,
Impact of Grain Evolution on the Chemical Structure of Protoplanetary Disks -> ADS link

Vannoni, G., Aharonian, F. A., Gabici, S., Kelner, S. R., Prosekin, A., 2011, A&A, 536, 56,
Acceleration and radiation of ultra-high energy protons in galaxy clusters -> ADS link

Vaidya, B., Fendt, C., Beuther, H., Porth, O., 2011, ApJ  742, 56,
Jet Formation from Massive Young Stars: Magnetohydrodynamics versus Radiation Pressure-> ADS link

van Dokkum, P. G., Brammer, G., Fumagalli, M., ..., Schmidt, K. B., ...(+25 coauthors), 2011, ApJ,  743, 15,
First Results from the 3D-HST Survey: The Striking Diversity of Massive Galaxies at z > 1-> ADS link

Viola, M., Melchior, P., Bartelmann, M., 2011, MNRAS, 410, 2156,
Biases in, and corrections to, KSB shear measurements -> ADS link

Wang, Y., Beuther, H., Bik, A., Vasyunina, T., ... (+6 coauthors), 2011, A&A, 527, 32,
Different evolutionary stages in the massive star-forming region S255 complex-> ADS link

Weinmann, S. M., Lisker, T., Guo, Q., Meyer, H. T., Janz, J., 2011, MNRAS, 416, 1197,
Dwarf galaxy populations in present-day galaxy clusters - I. Abundances and red fractions -> ADS link

Wijesinghe, D. B., Hopkins, A. M., Sharp, R., ..., Simmat, E., ... (+31 coauthors), 2011, MNRAS, 410, 2291,
Biases in, and corrections to, KSB shear measurements -> ADS link

Windmark, F., Lindegren, L., Hobbs, D., 2011, A&A 530, 76,,
Using Galactic Cepheids to verify Gaia parallaxes-> ADS link

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