
Publications of IMPRS-HD students 2012

Here we present a list of selected scientific publications authored by our IMPRS students.
Only (i) refereed publications of results in which (ii) the student was involved during her/his time as IMPRS member are considered. IMPRS student authors are denoted in bold.

This list is not intended as track record of single students, but as signature of ongoing scientific research by IMPRS students (last update June 2013).

Abbas, M., Grebel, E. K., Duffau, S., 2012, AAS, 21943313,
Selection of RR Lyrae Starsg -> ADS link

Abramowski, A., Acero, F., Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A. G.,.., Bochow A.,..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,…, Lu C.-C.,..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer S., ... (+182 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 548, 38,
Probing the extent of the non-thermal emission from the Vela X region at TeV energies with H.E.S.S. -> ADS link

Abramowski, A., Acero, F., Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A. G.,.., Bochow A.,..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,…, Lu C.-C.,..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer S., ... (+190 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 757, 158,
Spectral Analysis and Interpretation of the γ-Ray Emission from the Starburst Galaxy NGC 253 -> ADS link

Abramowski, A., Acero, F., Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A. G.,.., Bochow A.,..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,…, Lu C.-C.,..., Schwemmer S., ... (+191 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 750, 123,
Search for Dark Matter Annihilation Signals from the Fornax Galaxy Cluster with H.E.S.S. ->ADS link

Abramowski, A., Acero, F., Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A. G.,.., Bochow A.,..., Cologna, G., ..., Lu C.-C.,..., Schwemmer S., ... (+440 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 746, 151,
The 2010 Very High Energy γ-Ray Flare and 10 Years of Multi-wavelength Observations of M 87 -> ADS link

Abramowski, A., Acero, F., Aharonian, F., Akhperjanian, A. G.,.., Bochow A.,..., Cologna, G., ..., Lu C.-C.,..., Schwemmer S., ... (+194 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 537, 114,
Discovery of extended VHE γ-ray emission from the vicinity of the young massive stellar cluster Westerlund 1 -> ADS link

Arrigoni Battaia, F., Gavazzi, G., Fumagalli, M., ... (+15 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 543, 112,
Stripped gas as fuel for newly formed H ii regions in the encounter between VCC 1249 and M 49: a unified picture from NGVS and GUViCS-> ADS link

Bachelet, E., Shin, I.-G., Han, C., ..., Gerner, T., ..., Proft, S., ...., Schoenebeck, F., ... (+142 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 754, 73,
MOA 2010-BLG-477Lb: Constraining the Mass of a Microlensing Planet from Microlensing Parallax, Orbital Motion, and Detection of Blended Light-> ADS link

Beirão, P., Armus, L., Helou, G., ..., van der Laan, T., ... (+38 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 751, 144,
A Study of Heating and Cooling of the ISM in NGC 1097 with Herschel-PACS and Spitzer-IRS -> ADS link

Beuther, H., Tackenberg, J., Linz, H.,... (+10 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 538, 11,
The onset of high-mass star formation in the direct vicinity of the Galactic mini-starburst W43 -> ADS link

Bik, A., Henning, Th., Stolte, A.,..., Gennaro, M.,...,Kudryavtseva, N.,... (+8 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 744, 87,
Age Spread in W3 Main: Large Binocular Telescope/LUCI Near-infrared Spectroscopy of the Massive Stellar Content -> ADS link

Boley, P. A., Linz, H., van Boekel, R., Bouwman, J., Henning, Th., Sobolev, A. M., 2012, A&A, 547, 88,
On the massive young stellar object AFGL 4176. High-spatial-resolution multi-wavelength observations and modeling -> ADS link

Brammer, G. B., Sánchez-Janssen, R., Labbé, I., ...Schmidt, K. B.,... (+16 coauthors),, 2012, ApJ, 758, 17,
3D-HST Grism Spectroscopy of a Gravitationally Lensed, Low-metallicity Starburst Galaxy at z = 1.847 -> ADS link

Choi, J.-Y., Shin, I.-G., Park, S.-Y., Han, C., ..., Gerner, T., ..., Proft, E., ..., Schoenebeck, F., ... (+151 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 751, 41,
Characterizing Lenses and Lensed Stars of High-magnification Single-lens Gravitational Microlensing Events with Lenses Passing over Source Stars-> ADS link

Correnti, M., Paresce, F., Aversa, R., ..., Pang, X., ... (+6 coauthors), AP &SS, 340, 263,
Star formation in the starburst cluster in NGC 3603 -> ADS link

Driver, S. P., Robotham, A. S. G, Kelvin L. S., ...,Andrae, E., ... (+39 coauthors), 2012, MNRAS 427, 3244,
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): the 0.013 < z < 0.1 cosmic spectral energy distribution from 0.1 μm to 1 mm -> ADS link

Elvis, M., Hao, H., Civano, F., ..., Cisternas M.,... (+38 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 759, 6,
Spectral Energy Distributions of Type 1 Active Galactic Nuclei in the COSMOS Survey. I. The XMM-COSMOS Sample -> ADS link

Fiestas, J., Porth, O., Berczik, P., Spurzem, R., 2012, MNRAS, 419, 57,
Evolution of growing black holes in axisymmetric galaxy cores -> ADS link

Fumagalli, M., Patel, S. G., Franx, M., ...., Schmidt, K. B., ... (+11 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 757,22,
Hα Equivalent Widths from the 3D-HST Survey: Evolution with Redshift and Dependence on Stellar Mass -> ADS link

Gennaro, M.; Prada Moroni, P. G., Tognelli, E., 2012, MNRAS 420, 986,
Testing pre-main-sequence models: the power of a Bayesian approach -> ADS link

Gennaro, M., Bik, A., Brandner, W., ..., Tackenberg, J., Kudryavtseva, N., ...(+18 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 542, 74,
Multiple episodes of star formation in the CN15/16/17 molecular complex -> ADS link

Girichidis, P., Federrath, C., Allison, R., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R. S., 2012, MNRAS, 420, 3264,
Importance of the initial conditions for star formation - III. Statistical properties of embedded protostellar clusters-> ADS link

Girichidis, P., Federrath, C., Banerjee, R., Klessen, R. S., 2012, MNRAS, 413, 2741,
Importance of the initial conditions for star formation - I. Cloud evolution and morphology-> ADS link

Golubov, O., Krugly, Y. N., 2012, ApJ, 752, 11,
Tangential Component of the YORP Effect -> ADS link

Gouliermis, D.A., Schmeja, S., Dolphin, A.E., Gennaro, M., Tognelli, E., Prada Moroni, P.G. 2012, ApJ, 748, 64,
The Clustered Nature of Star Formation. Pre-main-sequence Clusters in the Star-forming Region NGC 602/N90 in the Small Magellanic Cloud -> ADS link

Groves, B., Krause, O., Sandstrom, K., ...., Kapala, M., ... (+8 coauthors), 2012, MNRAS, 426, 892,
The heating of dust by old stellar populations in the bulge of M31 -> ADS link

Hußmann, B., Stolte, A., Brandner, W., Gennaro, M., Liermann, A., 2012, A&A, 540, 57,
The present-day mass function of the Quintuplet cluster based on proper motion membership -> ADS link

Haschke, R., Grebel, E, Duffau, S., Jin, S., 2012, AJ, 144, 107,
Three-dimensional Maps of the Magellanic Clouds using RR Lyrae Stars and Cepheids. II. The Small Magellanic Cloud -> ADS link

Haschke, R., Grebel, E, Duffau, S., 2012, AJ, 144, 106,
Three-dimensional Maps of the Magellanic Clouds using RR Lyrae Stars and Cepheids. I. The Large Magellanic Cloud -> ADS link

Haschke, R., Grebel, E, Frebel, A., Duffau, S., Hansen, C. J., Koch, A., 2012, AJ, 144, 88,
Chemical Abundances of Metal-poor RR Lyrae Stars in the Magellanic Clouds -> ADS link

Haschke, R., Grebel, E, Duffau, S., Jin, S., 2012, AJ, 143, 48,
Metallicity Distribution Functions of the Old Populations of the Magellanic Clouds from RR Lyrae Stars -> ADS link

Henke, S., Gail, H.-P., Trieloff, M., Schwarz, W.H., Kleine T., 2012, A&A, 545, 135,
Thermal history modelling of the H chondrite parent body -> ADS link

Henke, S., Gail, H.-P., Trieloff, M., Schwarz, W.H., Kleine T., 2012, A&A, 537, 45,
Thermal evolution and sintering of chondritic planetesimals -> ADS link

HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+195 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 548, 46,
Identification of HESS J1303-631 as a pulsar wind nebula through γ-ray, X-ray, and radio observations -> ADS link

HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+187 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 545, 103,
Constraints on the gamma-ray emission from the cluster-scale AGN outburst in the Hydra A galaxy cluster -> ADS link

HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+185 coauthors), 2012, MNRAS, 424, 128,
HESS observations of the Carina nebula and its enigmatic colliding wind binary Eta Carinae-> ADS link

HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+184 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 542, 94,
Discovery of VHE γ-ray emission and multi-wavelength observations of the BL Lacertae object 1RXS J101015.9-311909-> ADS link

HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Mohamed, M., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+187 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 541, 5,
Discovery of VHE emission towards the Carina arm region with the H.E.S.S. telescope array: HESS J1018-589 -> ADS link

HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+205 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 539, 149,
A multiwavelength view of the flaring state of PKS 2155-304 in 2006-> ADS link

HESS Collaboration, ...Bochow, A., ..., Cologna, G., ..., Deil, C.,..., Lu, C.-C., ..., Schwemmer, S.,... (+197 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 538, 103,
Discovery of hard-spectrum γ-ray emission from the BL Lacertae object 1ES 0414+009-> ADS link

Joergens, V., Kopytova, T., Pohl, A., 2012, A&A, 548, 124,
Discovery of an outflow of the very low-mass star ISO 143 -> ADS link

Just, A., Yurin, D., Makukov, M., ... (+4 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 758, 51,
Enhanced Accretion Rates of Stars on Supermassive Black Holes by Star-Disk Interactions in Galactic Nuclei -> ADS link

Konstandin, L., Girichidis, P., Federrath, C., Klessen, R. S, 2012, ApJ, 761, 149,
A New Density Variance-Mach Number Relation for Subsonic and Supersonic Isothermal Turbulence -> ADS link

Janson, M., Hormuth, F., Bergfors, C.,..., Kudryavtseva, N.,... (+11 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 754, 44,
The AstraLux Large M-dwarf Multiplicity Survey-> ADS link

Kannan, R., Macciò, A. V., Pasquali, A., Moster, B. P., Walter, F., 2012, ApJ, 746, 10,
Interaction between Dark Matter Sub-halos and a Galactic Gaseous Disk-> ADS link

Khan, F. M., Berentzen, I., Berczik, P., Just, A., Mayer, L., Nitadori, K., Callegari, S., 2012, ApJ, 756, 30,
Formation and Hardening of Supermassive Black Hole Binaries in Minor Mergers of Disk Galaxies-> ADS link

Khan, F. M., Preto, M., Berczik, P., Berentzen, I., Just, A., Spurzem, R., 2012, ApJ, 749, 147,
Mergers of Unequal-mass Galaxies: Supermassive Black Hole Binary Evolution and Structure of Merger Remnants-> ADS link

Konstandin, L., Girichidis, P., Federrath, C., Klessen, R. S., 2012, ApJ, 761, 149,
A New Density Variance-Mach Number Relation for Subsonic and Supersonic Isothermal Turbulence -> ADS link

Kudryavtseva, N., Brandner, W., Gennaro, M., ... (+20 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 750, 44,
Instantaneous Starburst of the Massive Clusters Westerlund 1 and NGC 3603 YC -> ADS link

Lefa, E., Kelner, S. R., Aharonian, F. A., 2012, ApJ, 753, 176,
On the Spectral Shape of Radiation due to Inverse Compton Scattering Close to the Maximum Cutoff-> ADS link

Ludwig, J.,Pasquali, A., Grebel, E.K., Gallagher, J.S., III, 2012, AJ 144, 190,
Giant Galaxies, Dwarfs, and Debris Survey. I. Dwarf Galaxies and Tidal Features around NGC 7331-> ADS link

Lundgren, B. F., Brammer, G., van Dokkum, P. ....Schmidt, K. B., ... (+17 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 760, 49,
Large-scale Star-formation-driven Outflows at 1 < z < 2 in the 3D-HST Survey -> ADS link

Meidt, S., Schinnerer, E., Garcia-Burillo, S., ..., Colombo, D., ... (+8 coauthors), 2012, AAS, 21934616,
Revisiting the Spiral Density Wave Paradigm in M51 with PAWS -> ADS link

Micic, M., Glover, S. C. O., Federrath, C., Klessen, R. S., 2012, MNRAS, 421, 253,
Modelling H2 formation in the turbulent interstellar medium: solenoidal versus compressive turbulent forcing-> ADS link

Molina, F. Z., Glover, S. C. O., Federrath, C., Klessen, R. S., 2012, MNRAS, 423, 2680,
The density variance-Mach number relation in supersonic turbulence - I. Isothermal, magnetized gas-> ADS link

Mordasini, C., Alibert, Y., Georgy, C., Dittkrist, K.-M., Klahr, H., Henning, T, 2012, A&A, 547, 112,
Characterization of exoplanets from their formation. II. The planetary mass-radius relationship -> ADS link

Morganson, E., de Rosa, G., Decarli, R., .... (+7 coauthors), 2012, AJ, 143, 142,
The First High-redshift Quasar from Pan-STARRS -> ADS link

Nelson, E. J., van Dokkum, P. G., Brammer, G., ..., Schmidt, K. B.,... (+12 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 747, 28,
Spatially Resolved Hα Maps and Sizes of 57 Strongly Star-forming Galaxies at z ~ 1 from 3D-HST: Evidence for Rapid Inside-out Assembly of Disk Galaxies -> ADS link

Nielbock, M.; Launhardt, R.; Steinacker, J., ..., Lippok, N.,... (+12 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 547, 11,
The Earliest Phases of Star formation (EPoS) observed with Herschel: the dust temperature and density distributions of B68-> ADS link

Pang, X., Grebel, E. K., Pasquali, A., Altmann, M., Allison, R., 2012, AAA, 2191512,
A Comprehensive Story Of Young Star Cluster NGC 3603 -> ADS link

Pinilla, P., Birnstiel, T., Ricci, L., Dullemond, C. P., Uribe, A. L., Testi, L., Natta, A., 2012, A&A, 538, 114,
Trapping dust particles in the outer regions of protoplanetary disks-> ADS link

Prada Moroni, P. G., Gennaro, M., Bono, G., ... (+5 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 749, 108,
On the Evolutionary and Pulsation Mass of Classical Cepheids. III. The Case of the Eclipsing Binary Cepheid CEP0227 in the Large Magellanic Cloud -> >>ADS link

Prosekin, A., Essey, W., Kusenko, A.,; Aharonian, F., 2012, ApJ, 757, 183,
Time Structure of Gamma-Ray Signals Generated in Line-of-sight Interactions of Cosmic Rays from Distant Blazars-> ADS link

Ragan, S., Henning, Th., Krause, O., ..., Tackenberg, J., Lippok, N., ... (+13 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 547, 49,
The Earliest Phases of Star Formation (EPoS): a Herschel key program. The precursors to high-mass stars and clusters -> ADS link

Schäfer, B. M., Grassi, A., Gerstenlauer, M., Byrnes, C. T., 2012, MNRAS 721, 797
A weak lensing view on primordial non-Gaussianities-> ADS link

Sánchez, S. F., Kennicutt, R. C., Gil de Paz, A., ..., Kalinova, V., ... (+68 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 538, 8,
CALIFA, the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area survey. I. Survey presentation-> ADS link

Sandstrom, K., Groves, B., Kapala, M., ... (+10 coauthors), 2012, MNRAS, 21934927,
The Energy Budget of Massive Star-Formation in Andromeda -> ADS link

Schäfer, B. M., Merkel, P., 2012, MNRAS 421, 275,
Galactic angular momenta and angular momentum couplings in the large-scale structure-> ADS link

Schmidt, K. B., Rix, H.-W., Shields, J. C., Knecht, M., Hogg, D. W., Maoz, D., Bovy, J., 2012, ApJ 744, 147,
The Color Variability of Quasars-> ADS link

Schober, J., Schleicher, D., Federrath, C., Glover, S., Klessen, R. S., Banerjee, R., 2012, ApJ, 754, 99,
The Small-scale Dynamo and Non-ideal Magnetohydrodynamics in Primordial Star Formation-> ADS link

Shin, I.-G., Choi, J.-Y., Park, S.-Y., ..., Gerner, T., ..., Proft, S., ..., Schoenebeck, F., ... (+153 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 746, 127,
Microlensing Binaries Discovered through High-magnification Channel-> ADS link

Shin, I.-G., Han, C., Gould, A.,., ..., Gerner, T., ..., Proft, S., ..., Schoenebeck, F., ... (+153 coauthors), 2012, ApJ, 760, 116,
Microlensing Binaries with Candidate Brown Dwarf Companions-> ADS link

Smith, D. J. B., Dunne, L., da Cunha, E.,..., Andrae, E., ... (+37 coauthors), 2012, MNRAS, 427, 703,
Herschel-ATLAS: multi-wavelength SEDs and physical properties of 250 μm selected galaxies at z < 0.5-> ADS link

Smolčić, V., Navarrete, F., Aravena, M., ..., Karim, A, ... (+15 coauthors), 2012, ApJS, 200, 10,
Quest for COSMOS Submillimeter Galaxy Counterparts using CARMA and VLA: Identifying Three High-redshift Starburst Galaxies-> ADS link

Tackenberg, J., Beuther, H., Henning, Th., ... (+9 coauthors), 2012, A&A, 540, 113,
Search for starless clumps in the ATLASGAL survey -> ADS link

van der Wel, A., Bell, E. F., Häussler, B., ..., Chang, Y.-Y., ... (+ 17 coauthors), 2012, ApJS, 203, 24,
Structural Parameters of Galaxies in CANDELS-> ADS link

Vickers, J. J., Grebel, E. K., Huxor, A. P., 2012, AJ, 143, 86,
Identifying Blue Horizontal Branch Stars Using the z Filter -> ADS link

Vickers, J. J., Grebel, E. K., Huxor, A. P., 2012, AAS, 21942815,
Using The Z Band For Stellar Classification: Looking Forward To Pan-starrs -> ADS link

Walch, S., Whitworth, A. P., Girichidis, P., 2012, MNRAS, 419, 760,
The influence of the turbulent perturbation scale on pre-stellar core fragmentation and disc formation -> ADS link

Wijesinghe, D. B., Hopkins, A. M., Brough, S., ..., Meiert, M. W., ... (+27 coauthors), 2012, MNRAS, 423, 3679,
Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA): galaxy environments and star formation rate variations-> ADS link

Windmark, F., Birnstiel, T., Ormel, C. W., Dullemond, C. P., 2012, A&A, 548, 1,
Breaking through: the effects of a velocity distribution on barriers to dust growth (Corrigendum)-> ADS link

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