In cases of harassment ...

Help in case of Sexual Harassment / Bullying / Stalking / Discrimination

This page provides links to professional help in cases of  sexual harassment, bullying, or stalking.

Degrading behavior is not acceptable. Below is a list of contact points for different situations. Please reach out to someone, even if you are unsure of the severity.

Some cases may be solved by a chat, some cases need to involve professional help, maybe even legal help.

Heidelberg University has prepared a helpful brochure providing information on procedures for dealing with degrading behaviour. The English version starts on page 46.

Since IMPRS-HD is made up of different institutes (and thus different legal entities),  the first contact persons may differ. However, as a student enrolled at Heidelberg University, you can always reach out to university services for help.

1 ) Heidelberg University: 

    The Heidelberg University Equal Opportunity Office provides this link  to help you figure out where to seek help in cases of sexual harassment, bullying or stalking.

2 ) IMPRS student reps:

    If you are unsure you can always reach out to your student representatives.

3)  MPIA:

    -  The conflict coaches, currently:     Peter Bizenberger, bizenberger@mpia...,

                                                               Knud Jahnke, jahnke@mpia...,

                                                               Silvia Scheithauer,, scheithauer@mpia.....


    -  The gender equality officers:  Heidi Korhonen, korhonen@mpia..., Iva Momcheva, moncheva@mpia...,

     -  The science Ombudspersons:  Christian Fendt, fendt@mpia...., and Henrik Beuther, beuther@mpia...


     - The Works Council (Betriebsrat), see intranet page

4) MPIK:  

  At MPIK please check the internal pages for the MPIK employee's councils. There is also an internal webpage for conflict resolution.


5) HITS: 

  If you encounter a situation in your work environment which you can resolve neither by yourself nor by soliciting help from your co-workers or superiors, you can contact an external counselor whom HITS has contracted for help in finding a good solution.

 The counsellor, Prof. Dr. Rainer M. Holm-Hadulla, can be reached at,  Tel: 0170 555 4424.

 If you prefer to speak to a female professional, please contact Prof. Holm-Hadulla's colleague, Dr. Sonja Frohoff:,  Tel: 0178 674 4086

 Their homepage is The counsellors will act as coaches whose goal is to assist you in resolving whatever difficulties you are experiencing. Contacting the counsellors is free of charge for you and strictly confidential. But please understand that this scheme covers work-related consultations only.

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