Extrasolar planets - potential PhD supervisors of IMPRS Heidelberg

Colleagues with **) will depart/retire soon.

Dr. Myriam Benisty (MPIA)
( benisty @ mpia.de )
Protoplanetary disks; Exoplanets
Dr. Wolfgang Brandner (MPIA)
( brandner @ mpia.de )
Circumstellar disks, brown dwarfs & exoplanets, starburst clusters, adaptive optics
Dr. Gael Chauvin (MPIA)
( chauvin @ mpia.de )
Observation, formation, architectures, atmospheres, demographics
Prof. Cornelis Dullemond (ITA)
( dullemond @ uni-heidelberg.de )
Modeling of protoplanetary disks, dust grains, formation of planetesimals and planets
Prof. Thomas Henning (MPIA)  **
( henning @ mpia.de )
Star formation, exoplanets, interstellar medium, laboratory astrophysics
Prof. Hubert Klahr (MPIA)
( klahr @ mpia.de )
Star & planet formation, computational fluid dynamics, accretion disks, supercomputing
Prof. Laura Kreidberg (MPIA)
( kreidberg @ mpia.de )
Exoplanets, exoplanet atmosphere detections
Prof. Andreas Quirrenbach (LSW)
( A.Quirrenbach @ lsw.uni-heidelberg.de )
Adaptive optics, interferometry, astrometry, extrasolar planets
PD Sabine Reffert (LSW)
( S.Reffert @ lsw.uni-heidelberg.de )
Extrasolar planets, astrometry, radial velocities
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