IMPRS retreat seminar 2021

This is the webpage for the external IMPRS seminar retreat for the 2nd-year IMPRS students.

After the weekly Thursday seminar during the first year, the IMPRS students in their 2nd-year meet at a remote place for 3-4 days to present an update of their thesis project.

Retreat seminar 2021

The seminar retreat for the 15th student generation has taken place December 2-4, 2021 at the  Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg in Heidelberg during. Seminar tutors were Christian Fendt and Andreas Just.

Have a look at the program.

Invited speakers were Nikos Fanidakis (BASF), Bartosz Kadjas (HD university), and Joachim Wambsganss (ARI, ZAH).

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