IMPRS seminar winter term 2017/18

The IMPRS seminar provides a central meeting opportunity for all IMPRS fellows in order to exchange ideas and experience from different research areas. 

In the winter term, the IMPRS seminar is held as a literature seminar ("Oberseminar") with presentations about of current research highlights and/or fundamental papers in the astrophysics literature.
In the summer term, the IMPRS seminar is held as an advanced research seminar ("Fortgeschrittenenseminar") with the IMPRS fellows presenting their thesis project.
After the 1st academic year of an IMPRS generation, the IMPRS seminar continues in the 2nd year as a seminar workshop - an external retreat of 3-4 days during which the IMPRS fellows present an update of their thesis project.

Visitors are welcome! The seminar is open for non-IMPRS students.

        Current IMPRS seminar - winter  term 2017/18
   Seminarraum 105, Philosophenweg 12
Date:    Thursday, 17:15 - 18:45
Tutors:    Christian Fendt (CF),  Klaus Meisenheimer (KM)
   Please prepare for a strictly <20 min presentation plus 5-10 min discussion.
        IMPRS will check for regular attendence
   Seminar schedule:
Speaker Topic
 19/10   Christian Fendt  Talk allocation
 19/10   Christian Fendt
 Introduction to IMPRS  
 26/10   no seminar
 02/11   Francisco Aros
 Theory of Brown Dwarfs and giant planets (Burrows etal. 2001)  CF
 02/11   Giada Peron
 Physics of Neutron stars (Lattimer & Prakash, 2004)  CF
  Edna Ruiz Velasco
 Tests of general Relativity from timing the Double Pulsar (Kramer etal. 2006)  CF
  Victor Marian
 The chemical composition of the Sun (Asplund etal. 2009)  CF
 16/11   Diana Kassakowski
 The Atacama Large Millimeter Array - ALMA (Wootten & Thompson, 2009)  KM
 16/11   Paul Heeren
 Hydromagnetic flows from accretion disks & the production of radio jets (Blandford & Payne 1982)  CF
 23/11   Vera Wolthoff
 Black holes in binary systems / Accretion discs in astrophysics (Shakura & Sunyaev 1973, Pringle 1982)  CF
 23/11   Jindra Gensior
 Non-thermal radiation processes (Rybicki & Lightman, 1979)  KM
 30/11   Sabrina Gronow
 A powerful local shear instability (Balbus & Hawley 1991)  CF
 07/12   Eduard Bopp
 Measurement of the rate of μe  >  p + e- interactions produced by 8B solar neutrinos at the SNO (Ahmad etal. 2001)  CF
 07/12   Bahar Bidaran
 Galactic Stellar and Substellar Initial Mass Function  (Chabrier PASP 2003)  CF
 14/12   Neige Frankel
 The star formation law in galactic disks (Kennicatt 1989, Kennicutt & Evans 2012)  KM
 14/12   Felix Bosco  Microwave background results after 7 years (Komatsu etal. 2011; Hinshaw etal. 2009)  KM
 11/01   Martin Schlecker
 Gravitational waves, GRBs and light from NS mergers (Focus issue ApJL 848)  KM
 11/01   Branislav Avramov
 Gravitational waves, GRBs and light from NS mergers (Focus issue ApJL 848)  KM
 18/01   Melanie Kaasinen
 Gravitational waves, GRBs and light from NS mergers (Focus issue ApJL 848)  KM
 18/01   Stephan Stock
 High-energy cosmic neutrinos detected by IceCube  (Icecube collaboration, 2013)  KM
 25/01   Philipp Hottinger

 Doppler images of rotating stars using maximum entropy image reconstruction (Vogt et al. 1987);  
Images of accretion discs. II - Doppler tomography (Marsh & Horne 1988)

 25/01   Irina Smirnova
  M_BH - sigma relation: observational evidence and relevance for galaxy formation models  KM
 25/01  Dimitris Chatzigiannakis
  The first stars (Bromm & Larson 2004)  CF
  extra?  no extra dates ...
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