12th IMPRS generation  -  starting year 2016

The year book lists all students who started as a generation in the same year.

Last name First name Supervisor / institute Thesis link
Anagnos Theodoros Quirrenbach / LSW thesis
Ivana van de Wel / MPIA thesis
Bhandare Asmita Henning / MPIA thesis
Coronado Johanna Rix / MPIA thesis
Gao Xudong Lind / MPIA thesis
Hanke Michael Grebel / ARI thesis
Jaura Ondrej Klessen / ITA thesis
Jeffresen Sarah Kruijssen / ITA thesis
Keppler Miriam Henning / MPIA thesis
Klueter Jonas Wambsganss / ARI thesis
Krieger Nico Walter / MPIA thesis
Lenz Christian Klahr / MPIA thesis
Leslie Sarah Schinnerer / MPIA thesis
Mazzarini Matteo Just / ARI thesis
Josefina Lisker / ARI thesis
Molaverdikhani Karan Henning / MPIA thesis
Musso Barcucci Arianna Henning / MPIA thesis
Pais Matteo Pfrommer / HITS / AIP thesis
Picotti Arianna Neumayer / MPIA //
Prudil Zdenek Grebel / ARI thesis
Reina Campos Marta Kruijssen / ARI thesis
Riener Manuel Kainulainen / MPIA thesis
Sailer Simon Hinton / MPIK thesis
Sarkis Paula Henning / MPIA thesis
Sadegi Sepideh Reffert / LSW thesis
Shabani Fayezeh Grebel / ARI thesis
Surajbali Pooja Hinton / MPIK thesis
Tress Robin Gopala Glover / ITA thesis
van Houdt Josha van de Wel / MPIA //
Winner Georg Pfrommer / HITS / AIP thesis
Yun Kiyun Pillepich / MPIA //
Zorn Justus Hinton / MPIK thesis
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