3rd IMPRS generation  -  starting year 2007

The year book lists all students who started as a generation in the same year.

Last name First name Supervisor / institute Thesis link
Aquines Oswaldo Jordan / ARI //
Arka Ioanna Kirk / MPIK thesis
Burtscher Leonard Meisenheimer / MPIA thesis
Crnojevic Denjia Grebel / ARI thesis
Da Rio Nicola Gouliermis / MPIA thesis
Deil Christoph Hofmann / MPIK thesis
Federrath Christoph Klessen / ITA thesis
Foyle Kelly Rix / MPIA thesis
Kuelebi Baybars Jordan / ARI thesis
Lianou Sofia Grebel / ARI thesis
Lüttjohann Ekaterina Gail / ITA thesis
Moster Benjamin Somerville / MPIA thesis
Moyano Maximiliano Afonso / MPIA thesis
Natale Giovanni Tuffs / MPIK thesis
Nikolov Nikolay Afonso / MPIA thesis
Ruhland Christine Bell / MPIA thesis
Schulz Olaf Resconi / MPIK thesis
Sevilla Daniel Tuffs / MPIK //
Vasyunina Tatiana Henning / MPIA thesis
Viola Massimo Bartelmann / ITA thesis
Wang Hsiang-Hsu Van den Bosch / MPIA thesis
Zacharopoulou Olga Aharonian / MPIK thesis
Zsom Andras Dullemond / MPIA thesis
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