2nd IMPRS generation - starting year 2006

The year book lists all students who started as a generation in the same year.

Last name First name Supervisor / institute Thesis link
Behera Bagmeet Wagner / LSW thesis
Cacciato Marcello Van den Bosch / MPIA thesis
Downing Jonathan Spurzem / ARI thesis
Ernst Andreas Just / ARI thesis
Fallscheer Cassandra Beuther / MPIA thesis
Geisler Ronny Quirrenbach / LSW thesis
Greif Thomas Klessen / ITA thesis
Kuiper Rolf Klahr / MPIA thesis
Melchior Peter Bartelmann / ITA thesis
More Surhud Van den Bosch / MPIA thesis
Pedaletti Giovanna Wagner / LSW thesis
Peters Thomas Klessen / ITA thesis
Robaina Aday Bell / MPIA thesis
Rodon Javier Beuther / MPIA thesis
Schwab Christian Quirrenbach / LSW thesis
Sestayo Yolanda Resconi / MPIK thesis
Skelton Rosalind Bell / MPIA thesis
Vasyunin Anton Henning / MPIA thesis
Waizmann Jean-Claude Bartelmann / ITA thesis
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