IMPRS seminar winter term 2019/20

The IMPRS seminar provides a central meeting opportunity for all IMPRS fellows in order to exchange ideas and experience from different research areas. 

In the winter term, the IMPRS seminar is held as a literature seminar ("Oberseminar") with presentations about of current research highlights and/or fundamental papers in the astrophysics literature.
In the summer term, the IMPRS seminar is held as an advanced research seminar ("Fortgeschrittenenseminar") with the IMPRS fellows presenting their thesis project.
After the 1st academic year of an IMPRS generation, the IMPRS seminar continues in the 2nd year as a seminar workshop - an external retreat of 3-4 days during which the IMPRS fellows present an update of their thesis project.

The IMPRS seminar series started with the first students 2005. Here are the links to seminars before 2015.

Links to IMPRS seminars before WS 2014/15:

( WS = winter term, SS = summer term, BS = workshop seminar (retreat) )

WS 2013/14 SS 2014 BS 2014
WS 2012/13 SS 2013 BS 2013
WS 2011/12 SS 2012 BS 2012
WS 2010/11 SS 2011 BS 2011
WS 2009/10 SS 2010 BS 2010
WS 2008/09 SS 2009 BS 2009
WS 2007/08 SS 2008 BS 2008
WS 2006/07 SS 2007 BS 2007
WS 2005/06 SS 2006
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