IMPRS seminar summer term 2015

The IMPRS seminar provides a central meeting opportunity for all IMPRS fellows in order to exchange ideas and experience from different research areas. 

In the winter term, the IMPRS seminar is held as a "Oberseminar", ie. as literature seminar with presentations of current research highlights and of fundamental papers in the astrophysics literature.
In the summer term, the IMPRS seminar is held as an advanced research seminar ("Fortgeschrittenenseminar") with doctoral candidates presenting their ongoing thesis project.
After the 1st academic year of an IMPRS generation, the IMPRS seminar continues in the 2nd year as a seminar workshop - an external retreat of 3-4 days during which IMPRS fellows present an update of their thesis projects.

        The current IMPRS seminar - summer term 2015:
Location:    Seminarraum 105, Philosophenqweg 12
Date:    Thursday, 17:15
Tutors:    Christian Fendt (CF);  Nadine Neumayer (NN);   Dima Semenov  (DS)
   Please prepare for a strictly 25 min presentation plus 10 min discussion.

   IMPRS will check for regular attendence

   Seminar schedule:
Date Speaker Topic Tutor
23/04 Christian Arnold Cosmological hydrodynamical Simulations in f(R)-gravity CF
23/04 Anna Schauer Lyman-Werner escape fractions from primordial halos NN
30/04 Carolin Wittmann Extended compact objects in the Fornax galaxy cluster CF
30/04 Andreas Schreiber Gravoturbulent Planetesimal Formation in the Early Solar System DS
07/05 Rainer Weinberger Feedback effects on galaxy formation DS
07/05 Valeriy Vasilyev 3d NLTE stellar atmosphere models of cool stars NN
no seminar Public Holiday
21/05 Adriana Pohl Spiral arms in scattered light images of protoplanetary disks DS
21/05 Jolanta Krzyszkowska The Origin of Rotation of Structures in the Universe - What can we learn from hydrodynamical Simulations CF
no seminar Public Holiday
11/06 Tim Tugendhat Intrinsic Alignments in Cosmic Lensing NN
11/06 Thales Gutcke Galaxy quenching: Transition from the blue cloud to the red sequence CF
18/06 Taras Panamarev Numerical simulation of galactic nuclei with Nbody6++ DS
18/06 Kai Wang The GeV Emission in GRBs CF
02/07 Maria Jesus Jimenez The EMIR Nearby Galaxy Dense Gas Survey NN
02/07 Carsten Littek Non-Equilibrium Statistical Field Theory for Classical Particles DS
09/07 Clio Bertelli The Chemical Homogeneity of Open Star Clusters NN
09/07 Katharina Wollenberg Second Generation Star Formation in Primordial Supernova Remnants CF
16/07 Xiaona Sun The analysis of the giant radio lobes of Centaurus A with Fermi-LAT and Planck CF
16/07 Chiara Mazzucchelli The Physical Properties of High Redshift Quasars DS
23/07 Michael Rugel Study on OH absorption in the Milky Way DS
23/07 Sara Rezaei Khoshbakht Three-dimensional modeling of dust in the Milky Way NN
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