IMPRS for Astronomy and Cosmic Physics at the University of Heidelberg:
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, Landessternwarte Koenigstuhl, and Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies.
For each school a scientific organizing committee is allocated, consisting of members of one of the participating institues.
School format:
The IMPRS Summer School had three major components:
(1) Lectures are presented by leading experts in their fields.
(2) Hands-on computer exercises were prepared for selected topics.
(3) A few presentations on specific scientific applications were given by scientists from astronomical research institutes in Heidelberg.
In addition, a social program was organized, intended to provide a pleasent and relaxed atmosphere for fruitful scientific discussions between all participants and the lectures.
Here are the links to the webpages for the IMPRS Summer Schools 2014 and before:
2014: Frontiers of Stellar Structure & Evolution
2013: High Energy Astrophysics
2012: Computational Astrophysics
2011: Characterizing Exoplanets - from Formation to Atmospheres
2010: First Stars & Cosmic Reionization
2009: Statistical Inferences from Astrophysical Data
2008: The Art & Craft of Astronomical Instrumentation
2007: The Milky Way Galaxy
2006: Physics of the Interstellar Medium